CTK EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Operates $32.8M sortie spt section; ensures tool accountability/availability for 9 C-17A acft valued at approx $2.5B
- Performs production/supervisory inspections and evaluates/tracks trends/takes action based on QA inspection reports
- Evaluates quality, personnel qualifications, training and Mx processes to ensure safe, reliable and effective tools/eqpt
- Ensures eqpt identification/preparation for deployment and special tools/eqpt serviceable to meet msn requirements

- Provides direct support for field/depot acft mx; tracks over 10K tools/49 equip acct items/4 vehicles valued at $2.5M

- Documents and maintains records in Maintenance Information System and Tool Accountability System (TAS)

- Inventories/maintains equipment & Consolidated Tool Kits (CTK) for 22 assigned C-130H/J acft worth $1.3B

- Issues, inspects, performs minor maintenance and monitors status of 38 general and special purpose vehicles

- Leads sq's largest CTK/5 mil/1 civ pers/directs structural/corrosion support for mx/insps on 53 SOF acft worth $7.7B

- Manages 8 workcenter prgms; ensures compliance w/ directives/enforces policies/determines/coordinates trng reqmts

- Monitors/maintains/ensures unit compliance with hazardous material (HAZMAT)/hazardous waste directives

- Supervises/provides on-the-job training/ensures compliance w/applicable TOs/engineer guidance/safety instructions


- Addressed LMR shortage; researched/sourced 10 batteries--spt'd 50 psrnl & contributed to repair of 4 Code-3 breaks
- Admin'd 10 veh reviews; id'd 7 safety concerns(hazards)/R2'd 15 defective components--safeguarded $1.9M/assets
- Aided HAZMAT prgm; eval'd 4 storage lockers/73 items--acquired B 1/2 sealant/cut 4 Code-3 breaks for 100 ARW
- Aided section HAZMAT prgm; evaluated 4 storage units/70 items--drove disposal of 10 expired assets/spt'd 4 sorties
- Analyzed DIFM log turn-in accountability; garnered three day item turn-in average--destroyed AF standard by 25.7%
- Assisted 4 prsnl RIE; completed 10 equipment insps/corrected 4 discrepancies--galvanized 30 BSI items/$302K prgm
- Assisted 4 prsnl RIE; completed 6 LCS cart insps/corrected 6 discrepancies--electrified 30 BSI assets/$302K flt prgm
- Assisted w/tank hardware prgm; received/assembled 32 CTKs--provided organization/accountability for 364 items
- Asst'd urgent MRT; sourced parts/eqpt to Yokota AB--recovered stranded C17 <48hrs/POTUS Pacific trip unabated
- Assured sound stewardship of AF resources; processed 1K+ DRMO items--returned $45K assets to supply sys
- Assy COVID decon/cleaning kits; minimized viral spread through 1.5K pax--guaranteed Wing's 96.2% WWDRR
- Augmented E-Tools initiative; created EIDs/labeled 12 mx laptops/fueled 4-asset shipment--completed $23K project
- Augmented shop LEAN initiative; relocated 20 "high use" CTKs--cut issue time 50%/enabled 11 sorties & 102 flt hrs

- Bolstered Support section; completed 110 insps/fixed 32 errors--keyed mgmt of 4K tools/12 prgms/$1.4M equipment

- Completed 240 CTK insp's; replaced 72 items/cleared 128 discrepancies--streamlined ops/fueled Sq's 92% QA pass rt
- Completed 350+ insp's of CTK items; ID'd/repaired tools/test equip--ensured equip availability for 450+ pers
- Completed 8K customer transactions; spt'd 160 mx prsnl/pushed 1.3K msns/mvd 23K pax--vital to wing MUA win!
- Conducted 10 Gemba walks; discovered/replaced 16 broken items--boosted TO availability 200%/enabled 74 msn hrs
- Conducted flt PMEL runs; enabled 1149 process/4 shipments/14 items--powered 6 calibrations/empowered Det 1 ops
- Constructed acft lubrication kit; aided in post-wash servicing of 8 acft washes--spt'd Q4 __% MSE rate/acft integrity
- Coordinated with LRAFB HAZMO; recycled 1830 gallons of hazardous fluid/fuel--raised $3200+ for LRAFB
- Critical part of acft mx headset repair/refurbishment; salvaged 35 assets--maximized resources/saved Sq $7K
- CTK bldg custodian; C/W monthly building insps on 2 bldgs--garnered zero defect FY20 facility/fire saftey insp
- Cultivated flight training day program; qualified three Amn on aircraft lube tasks--key to stellar 100% QA pass rate

- Developed electric forklift class; familiarized 7 Dash 21 prsnl on ops/safety procedures--incr'd shop's capability 25%
- Developed rag accountability process in TCMAX; tnd 25 prsnl on procedures--reduced monthly cleaning cost by 5%
- Directed completion of 38 TCTO's; networked/organized critical component kits--smashed suspense > 6 mos
- Directed mx kit refurbishments; combined underutilized tool boxes/on-hand assets--saved $10K in procurement costs
- Directed warranty tool pgm; procured $3k spares/recycled broken items--liaised w/equip vendors/mitigated $24k cost
- Disc'd incorrect maint procedure; introduced correct wheel grease for MLG system--prevented loss of 14 acft
- Dply'd as CTK NCOIC ISO OIR/OFS; controlled $2.5M equip assets/aided ATO transfer--backed 20 sorties/25 EKIA
- Drove 504 insps/rvw d 98 discreps; cntl'd mvmt of 4.2k assets--spt'd 6.3K sorties/22.4K flt hrs/5.5K pax/8.9K cgo tns
- Drove 6 prsnl team; ordered/calibrated 4 TRFs--restored $131K vibe kits/solved 4-year LIMFAC/drove 1500 hr insp
- Drove BSI renewal; mng'd 50 insp items/installed 32 parts--fortified $302K prgm & powered 11 sorties, 95 SRO hrs

- Eliminated excess CTK inventory; condensed 13 toolboxes/DRMO 73 items--saved $2763/slashed inventory time 17%
- Enabled 10 tool box rebuild/refurbs; reutilized on-hand assets--efforts saved AF >$10K in procurement costs
- Enabled 6 TDYs/2 HUREVACs; deply d xK tools/equip/11 mx prsnl--crucial to gp's '16 Gen Wilbur L. Creech MEA
- Enforced shop rag control pgm; accounted/inventoried 2K+ rags daily--fortified 1.3K+ FOD incident-free days
- Enhanced CTK section tool flow/accountability; reduced check in/out process--slashed shift inventory time by 20%
- Established CTK; centralized over 25,000 tools to new CTK; increased personnel maint efficiency by 40%
- Established inventory/control procedures; set up of TDY tool-room--ensured accountability of section tool program
- Executed 510 CTK insp's; replaced 2K defective items/cleared 153 discrepancies--secured gp '16 Phoenix Trophy nom

- Fortified sq's mobility capability; prep'd 5 ISU-90s w/3 CTKs/high use parts/equip--outfited mx tm to deploy to FOB
- Furnished Tyndall TDY pack-out; deployed 336 assets/6 shipments--drove 81 Global Force sorties/F-22 AOR ready

- HAZCOM prgm mgr; established strict storage/use/disposal procedures--100% OSHA/Bio Environmental rqmts c/w
- Helped w/SAV findings; corrected 4 Form 244/TCMAX errors--reduced Managing Resources faults/strengthened org

- Impr'd CTK org; facilitated tool transfers/standardized 4K tools--upgraded eqpt storage capes/customer turnover time
- Inspected tool kits; maintained 531 pieces valued at $20K--resulted in 100% QA pass rate on five inspections
- Inventoried 647 support items daily; guaranteed 100% equipment/CTK accountability--averted 21 potential lost tools

- Key to -21/CTK section merger; inventoried/insp'd 200+ tool/equipment items--ensured seamless integration

- Lead Hazcom/Hazwaste program monitor; ensured safe storage/use/disposal--100% QA/Bioenvironmental pass rate
- Led 100% inventory for CTK--insp'd/updated 27K+ items <1mo--ensured accountability during pers turnover
- Led HAZMAT training pgm; instructed 40 newcomers on proper handling/SDS usage--ensured Sq compliance
- Led PMEL prgm; ensured 310 items 100% ontime calibration--guart'd correct tool usage/accurate mx/tool availability
- Led support section full inventory; insp'd 10K tools/equip & corrected 250 discrepancies--100% accountability/utility

- Maint'd 40 TOs valued at $13K; provided 453 updates/519 amn access to accurate data--reinforced Wg's 98% MSE rt
- Maintained asset integrity; safeguarded/recycled 4k pcs of Precious Metal--directly f/ < $23K returned to AF DRMO
- Managed $103K tool kit program; cleared 128 discrepancies--guaranteed 100% accountability/compliance
- Managed CTK inventory; updated 2K tools/calibration equipment--ensured 100% accountability during shift turnover
- Managed section CTK; oversaw 3 shifts/7 personnel/supported 4 AMU's--assured wg's highest FMC rate since FY08
- Managed spare/broken tools; revamped 3 vidmars/streamlined 2K assets--focused sections 89% QA pass rate, FY17

- Orchestrated flt response after IFE; drove restoration of trailer/vibe kits--enabled unit's 1st-ever engine change/$3.8M
- Orchestrated OFP updates f/16 acft; coord'd 60 s/w updates/85 pod reconfigs--solidified $2.8M F-15 Suite 9 test prgm
- Oversaw 2 HAZMAT accts; managed/tracked 150+ items--assured 100% accountability of $384K/yr in assets
- Oversaw JBLM's lrgst PMEL acct; tracked/processed 846 calibrated eqpt items--safeguarded 98% TMDE QA pass
- Oversaw revitalization of CTK quarterly program; incorporated new digital qrtly chk list--reduced paperwaste 4k/yr
- Oversaw shelf-life pgm f/86 chems; completed >100 insps/extended svc life/svd >$37K--secured sq's 92% QA pass rt
- Oversaw spare tools program; processed 1.4K items for replacement--saved $24K in reinstatement costs/restoration
- Oversaw spare/broken/warranty tool pgm; proc'd 1K+ items into Spare tools--svd AF >$24k in tool replacement costs

- Performed 1200+ haz insps; detected/corrected >180 discrepancies--efforts key to CTK's 96% QA pass rate
- Performed 2 UTC overhauls; reviewed/repaired 5.5K equipment/updated 200+ docs--bolstered deployment capes 66%
- Prep'd UTC; pkg'd 253 eqpt items dply'd for Op DEEP FREEZE--trans'd 986K lbs cgo ISO NSF's scientific research
- Processed tools/equip for 2 TDYs; enabled 28 person fwd maint team operations--essential to sortie success

- Re-distributed CTK/radios w/ANG; 120 items/$50K--elim radio shortage/reduced inventory time by 2 hrs/wk
- Rebuilt spare/broken tools pgm; streamlined process...revamped 5 kits & trained 9 prsnl--slashed turnaround time 75%
- Renovated CTK pgm; insp'd/corrected 253 errors on 4K items valued at $1M--secured 100% tool/eqpt accountability
- Revamped CTK prgm; id'd/corrected 256 errors on 2K items valued at $1M--cemented 100% tool/eqpt accountability
- Revamped HAZ waste turn-in procedure; tnd 30 spt flt mbrs on new methods--maintained 100% compliance w/EPA
- Revamped LOTO prgm trng; researched/implemented new procedures/78 pers--lauded 'best practice' during wg SAV
- Revised HAZMAT check-out procedure; combined HAZMAT TO ID w/LRAFB WWID--saved 12 man hrs/yr

- Section VNCO; mng'd 4 trucks/coord'd repairs/corrected 20 mx discrepancies--facilitated 1.7K flight line mx actions
- Solved 4-yr LIMFAC; coord w/ 100th EAE/fixed report faults--obtained 2 borescopes & restored insp capes at 2 OLs
- Spearheaded 100 CTK insps; ID'd/corrected/cleared 175 discrepancies--solidified serviceability of $14.1M acft assets
- Spearheaded section CTK inspection; ensured tooling properly inspected/maintained--$30k assets 100% serviceable
- Spt'd custodian trng; demonstrated shift turnover process/lost tool procedure--facilitated 12 Support task completions
- Stood-up 913th AMXS HAZMAT pgm; trained AFRC pers on all aspects--pgm pruning 6mos ahead of sched
- Streamlined CTK process; combined 30/90 day Insp's adhering to ADAB SUP change--concluded < 30 days
- Streamlined HAZMAT storage area; reorganized 5 hazardous items--minimized numerous potential HAZ exposures
- Streamlined Propulsion insp rqmt; created F-108 trailer grease CTK--reduced muda waste/resolved 4-mnth LIMFAC
- Supervised de-icer training course; qual'd 15 prsnl/prep'd Sq for upcoming winter ops--boosted AMU's quals by 30%
- Supervised two semi-annual CTK inspections; verified 2K tools serviceable/fixed 11--no errors found by QA
- Supplied AMU w/vital assets; researched/sourced >$5K of consumables--key to 57% C-5 12-hr fix rt...beat 47.9% std
- Sustained $5.4M CTK; expedited 9K transactions/spt'd 160 prsnl/mvd 1.3K msns/23K pax--vital to wing MUA win!

- Unearthed defective tool box lock; corrected damaged drawer latch/secured tools--avoided potential $20K tool loss
- Upheld 35 CTKs; performed 75 examinations on 50K special tools--supported 3.5K inspections/repair actions

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