Billeting EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Maintains subject knowledge/performance level in mortuary, food, lodging and fitness during garrison & deployment
- Accomplishes home station and ancillary training requirements to remain current & available for contingency tasking
- 315 AW F2F assessment monitor; supports critical Wing programs, ensures accurate testing for 250+ UTA members


- Aided in lodging warehouse revamp; organized/DRMO'd >4K items--established accountability of $25K inventory
- Aided lodging refurb project; led 2/discarded/replaced 600lbs furnishings--enhanced resident QoL/coined by ELRS/CC
- Appointed 315 FSS UDM; oversaw 50+ virtual deployment folders--ensuring unit-wide deployment readiness cap
- Assisted w/AF postal distribution; processed, sorted & dispatched 1.5K lbs of mail--ensured delivery to 9 AJAB units
- Assisted w/EFS beddown; billeted 753 prsnl/primed f/14 F-16s--enabled rapid combat threat & exploited 1.7K targets

- Conducted QAE/FP role; escorted 3 OCN's/devoted 600 hrs--secured base prsnl/zero security incidents/spt'd $2M kt
- Constructed FY20 budget; identified $108K in rqmts/postured $600K MWR expansions--sustained QoL for 5K prsnl

- Delegated 315 FSS Safety Rep; utilized risk management principles prior to 315 AW Wingman Day--zero mishaps
- Drove civ ctr; forecasted, planned, mng'd, and executed $511K assigned ctr workforce--balanced 100% of accounts

- Executed DRMO; conducted disassembly/disposal EFSS equip--facilitated removal 8K lbs/400 sqft returned to WRM
- Extraordinary! #1 choice as Group Reservation Manager; NCO-level job, serves as 24/7 on call powerhouse

- Facilitated hotel ctr spt; coordinated/reassured stable POC f/35 local hotels--enhanced military/community relations

- GPC Approving Official; managed 4 accounts & verified 143 transactions/secured $163K msn crit assests f/base pop
- Guid'd $10M lodging fac; billet'd 52 DV's/4.5K prsnl/spurred 96% cust sat rt/>30% occupancy--earned $332 revenue

- Handled dual phones/conference room reservation books and programs--supported 30K+ customer svc base

- Implemented COVID-19 mitigation; improvised multiple protocols/guidlines boost'd safety--safeguard amn readiness

- Liaised w/2 contract hotels; secured 129 addt'l rms f/7K mbrs/46K bednights--incr'd PCS/TDY spt capes f/EUCOM ops
- Lodging op mbr; lodged 1.5K warfighters/219K bednights--preserved $28M assets/supt'd 2.4K sorties/awd'd Oct ToM
- Lodging SME; briefed 200+ MSG Ldrs/mbrs on new Amn double occupancy prgm--spt'd CC s cost save initiative

- MANG lodging program; mng'd/budgets $32k for 300 rooms a month for Airmen--Airmen have safe/clean lodging
- Meticulous application of front desk operations; processed financial transactions of $3M in annual cash flow
- Mgd logistic spt for DoS housing disposition; 100 mbrs/6 rigs moved 4K beds/lockers <2 wks--saved $175M
- Mitigat'd FP shortfall CLU construction; devot'd 240 hrs/regulat'd 27 LN--protect'd $6.6M facility beddown properties
- Mng'd lodging prgm; oversaw 1700 commuters mo--provided Airmen safe/clean lodging/lauded by CC f/prgm stds

- Organizational master! Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year
- Organizational master!; Mng'd billeting for 27 personnel/75K guests/186 rooms--maintained a 95% satisfaction rating
- Outstanding customer service rep--directly contributed to 92% customer satisfaction rating for 220K bednights
- Oversaw $8.2M lodging operation w/ 172 bed spaces, five separate facilities; produced $2.1M annual revenue

- Partnered w/ODR; mng'd 24-hr FAMCAMP call svc f/19 sites--generat'd $52K in rev/2.9K AD/Retiree campers aid'd
- Patrolled 272 lodging facilities; conducted 124 checks/rectified 45 issues--assured safety/sanitation/security f/residents
- Piloted $103K fiber internet install; 6 bldgs upgraded/slashed bill 37%--embodied CSAF #2 priority/saved AF >$10K
- Pivotal member of North Star Inn front desk; garnered Outstanding 94.7% during annual HQ Accreditation visit
- Provided msn spt HHS/DARB relationship, readied 184 rooms for COVID response--2 mnth & $454k earn'd income
- Provided msn spt; Prime Knight guest svc rep for 500 crews on/off base--saved $94K TDY cost/0 msn delays

- QAE f/$107K linen exchange contract; established grounds f/$28K SOW--maintained adequate PAR levels f/26 rms
- Quarterback'd $673k renovation project; link'd w/6 orgs/arrang'd re-open w/ Wing--accountability saved USAF $20k

- Rectified ALRS sys deficiencies; ID'd/fixed errors w/Amn time--coined "Outstanding Performer" by 315 AW/CCC
- Revitalized trng prgm; secured/validated 70+ hrs WEBFIRE/12 AHLEI certs--100% compliance w/OSHA & AF stds

- Service before self! Deployed USO tour member escort; dedicated ten hours to feed lodge AFE band members
- Superbly assisted Kirkuk Protocol Officer w/15 DV visits; lauded by USCENTAF CC as "Best seen to date"
- Superbly executed APOE/ROM mission support; f/6 APOE rotations w/540 PAX--enhanced dplmnt & msn readiness
- Superior job expertise and logistical skills saved the Air Force over $50K in per diem/contract lodging costs
- Supervised $3.5M lodging proj; link'd w/ 10 orgs/arrang'd tent-to-RLB move--establish'd unit integrity f/7 sq/174 Amn
- Supported front desk ops f/busiest tanker Wg; handled 6.9K reservations/4 bldgs/92 rms--generated $1.2M in revenue
- Supported warehouse cleanup project; accounted f/$87K inventory/discarded 3K lbs debris--expanded storage cap 60%

- Unit Environmental Coord; validated annual aspect inventory/62 line items/18 facilities--zero discrepancies identified
- Unparleled prtrship w/gov't agncies (DHHS, DOJ); 503 COVID-19 cruise passngers--zero issues return to normal ops

- Vol'd 9 hours at Slam Attic; led/operated front desk ops & organized facility stock items--spt'd 9K AUAB prsnl

- Working on procurement of MAFB dorm for MANG lodging; will house 104 Amn--projected cost saving $20K

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