Financial Management EPR Bullets

- Navigat'd flt turn-over; trgt'd trng f/experience gaps/development of 31 prgms--aced FY22 execution w/66% new prsnl
- Expanded wg FM trng prgm; cultivated devlpmnt f/acct'g tasks/9 month path--strengthened prsnl budgetary capes f/X

- Champion'd JBER earthquake crisis; fund'd 42 hangar/bldg rprs/56 FY20 projs--ID'd/execut'd $76M w/0 msn stoppage
- Craft'd 1st JBER RMB; org'd 86 NAF/CPAC/FMB rqmts/max'd Wg-CC $/manpwr--12/12 NAF profitable/#1 cmd obs
- Mng'd $24M FSRM pgm; push'd 13 CTO/24 local projs--100% fund'd <16 day std...ern'd add'l $11M f/FY20 CEG bdgt
- Oversaw $3M 673 LRG bdgt; fund'd $459K f/crit lvl 0/1 rqmts/$1M f/C-17 acft spt/JMC ops--coin'd by PACAF FM/CC
- Pilot'd Wg ExPlan; ID'd/correct'd 8 acct errors f/9 FY19 msn rqmt/fix'd $2M disconnect w/HHQ--assur'd $36M f/FY20
- Shoulder'd SFS RA vacancy; led reimbursement pgm/advocat'd f/14 msn rqmts--rcvd $129K/fund'd 100% UFRs/$657K
- Creat'd CPTS/CONS PR rvw process; built real-time cradle-to-grave tracker/pd 402 rqmts--led cmd w/$254M kts fund'd
- Anchor'd Guam typhoon recovery effort; mobiliz'd 19 Amn to aid w/restoration--rcvd $178K FEMA f/JBER assistance
- Govern'd Wg UFR process; mng'd rqmts f/4 gps/saf'd $240K f/PACAF TCCC pilot pgm--ID'd/fund'd 85 UFR's f/$5.5M
- #1 in PACAF f/FIAR; mng'd 8 mbr tm/148 hrs/only base to exceed 90% 14/14 audits--set bar f/cmd w/98% overall score
- Drove largest PACAF SIF/CRF bdgt; fund'd 67 innovation/46 readiness rqmts/$3M--ob'd add'l $350K...go-to wg f/cmd
- Led 673 ABW $247M bdgt f/2 HHQ; led 8 prsnl/incr'd FY19 execution 10%--#1 obs f/PACAF...crush'd 80/20 rule/92%

- Empower'd FMA tm; created continuity/trn'd 31 mbrs on 22 bdgt tasks--mentorship led to 3xGp/yr, 4xGp/Q/1 BTZ awd
- Attack'd FM rqmts; cmplt'd 2 day DEAMS crse/1 wk jt reimbursement class-ern'd 23 CPE's/improved 2 bdgt processes
- Conquered FM level 2 Cert tasks; devoted 52 hrs/cmplt'd 60 CPEs/led 22 trngs/2 confrences-finished rqmts 4 mos early
- Advocat'd f/TFTN; enabl'd 120 resilience events--creat'd 1-stop JBER in-processing/secur'd $638K...1K% bdgt increase

- #1/550 FM CoPs AF-wide; SAF/FM CoP of the Qtr (Oct-Dec 08); 47K "hits"; FM info at customer fingertips
- #1/6 ACC large bases 2nd and 3rd quarter performance indicators--numbers tell the story; Langley sets the std
- 100% of $200M pgm executed--only $60K left at EOY--paved the way for the best EOY in over 5 years

- Accompl'd 3 bank runs; 17 pmts processed, 235M CFA disbursed--FOB vehicle/crane sppt contract issues mitigated
- Accompl'd FY17 RAFM GPC recon; pushed 182 cards/tracked $18.4M--garnered $33K in rebates f/RAFM VPI pgm
- Administered $2.8M pmnts; processed 36 docs w/DFAS, coord'd 8 MIPRs--funded DAPS printer svcs for Wg
- Administrated eight GPC master accounts; $376K expertly utilized--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY16

- Aggressive focus on GTC prgm! Lowest delinquency rate in 3+ yrs; rcv'd rebate providing add'l funds for Wing
- Asst'd w/GEPCO emergency pmts; disb'd $150K/80.3M CFA, 3K+ CM of aggregate laid--abated runway proj delays
- Audited 3.4K mil pay docs; achiev'd 97% accuracy--crush'd AF 95% std/ensur'd proper entitlements paid w/out delay
- Avert'd AOR-wide BX shutdown; estab'd $2M cash chg ntwk w/USAFE--secur'd $222K net profit/nonstop svc f/80K

- Beat GTC delinquencies into submission--1.7% yearly avg beat 2% standard; earned 90K+ in GTC rebates
- Blazed trail of success! Skillfully executed $200M program--Langley is #1, at home and away; I'll tell you why
- Bolstered QoL f/480 junior enlisted w/$20K wifi project f/$70M/5-dorm campus--Wg/CCC: Huge TM morale haul!
- Bridged 5 mo manning gap; filled primary mil pay input role--prcs'd 3K transactions/sustain'd swift 1 day turnaround

- Built $1.5B Langley/Ft Eustis joint base funding/manpower req't--key piece of BRAC legislation--no msn gaps
- Built first-ever "Top 10 DTS Errors" tool; gave tips to 9K travelers; benchmarked by HQ to use across Cmd
- Built resource mgt team--CONS, RAs & DFAS--reduced aged invoices 15%, recognized 93% of discounts

- Cashiered f/AB 201; ex'd $27K/14M CFA+, over 500 trans during 5 mos tenure--strengthened US/Nigerien econ ties
- Certified E-Leave/COT/SDT orders; examined travel entitlements/105 psnl--sv'd mbrs $198K costs/increased morale
- Civilian pay guru; verified DAO tracker with 116 certifiers & 15 timekeepers--audit ready and 100% MICT compliant
- Co-led 7 nation/58 mbr tasking; 34 tons mobilized f/largest sq deployment--prep'd 9K warfighters/OPLAN execution

- Collab'd w/coalition/Jt forces; facilitated emergency supplies purchase/$113K--enabled OAR...5.4K Afghans rescued
- Collab'd w/HI-wide CPOs; dvlp'd C-19 resp/trn'd 249 psnl on civs pay--ensur'd 0 missed pay cycles for $16.1M payroll
- Competent professional; skillfully planned/executed AF BAH Audit, documented over 1000 dependency updates
- Completed 5 lvl tng rqmts; 4 modules/105 hrs/6 mos ahead of schedule--awarded DoD Finance certification 1 yr early

- Conducted PRA rvws w/in CPTS; scrubbed $2.5M/insp'd 44 pay docs, 0 D&F rpt'd--exaultedCongress' FIAR initiative
- Conquered Wg GTC pgm; axed 1K delinquent accts/$1.7M pd/earn'd $112K QoL funds--tagged Cmd's "Best Practice"
- Coor'd w/DFAS on vchr recon; prcs'd 181 trans, 0 vchrs out-of-balance f/FY17--RAFM efforts "lauded" by AFIMSC
- Coord'd budget solvency drill w/A3 staff; id'd $600K add'l for air cbt training--funded COMACC's top msn priorities

- Coord'd w/RAFL Housing/USAFE FM f/OHA audit; ID'd 86 debts, processed 53 debt letters--returned $25.1K to AF
- Coordinated all WSA DLA copier leases; 17 copiers/$41.4K--retained vital assets for 13 offices/zero halts to mission
- Coordinated/report'd GTC data to MAJCOM FM/base APCs; advised Wg leadership/delinquencies declined 5%
- Crafted disaster recovery spend plan; valid'd 90 rqmts; echoed strat msg to OSD/Congress--$330M deliver'd in FY20

- Creat'd ad-hoc DTS help-desk; 1st on-site spt f/<1K jt Combined Air & Space Ops Ctr pers--resolv'd 17 cases/<24 hrs
- Created trend analysis charts; tracked individual tech prog/regression--provided key development info to leadership
- Created/deployed "Smart Money" newsletter; pushed key FM news to base populace; lauded by 1FW/CCC
- Created/implemented financial surge tm; acquired manning from partner APRC--reduced ticket que/on pay wait time

- Delivered the mission; enabled 8K sorties/12K flying hrs--ensured AF air dominance & combat capability
- Detailed NAF analysis led to Golf Course recognizing $378K profit--ended 54 month AF/MAJCOM flagging
- Dev'd 1st ever elec funds trace process; provided skills/expertise to AFRC--supported 7K IMA/recoup $7K lost pay
- Developed use of MPF data to post SH03--ACC Amn out-process w/out finance stop; implemented AF-wide

- Diligent! Generated, addressed and distributed the missing time report for 360+ employees--paid on time every time!
- Dir'd lcl strategic plan'g for AFIPPS; unified CPTS-MPS 62 psnl/weekly tng pgm--propelled HAF vision of 1 HR sys
- Directed logistics team f/EUCOM ops ctr; led 3 surveys/fwd staging rqmt secured--$162k/yr savings/met 4-Star vision
- Discovered missing equip during SAV/insp; initiated 7 ROSs/kept process on track--recovered $16K assets f/20 FW

- Drafted $250M logistics plan contract; built rqmts/road map f/contr transition--upped manning by 4 prsnl/fluid ops spt
- Drafted WSA UFR list; id'd 34 unsourced requirements worth $696K--acquired critical EoY supplies in under 4 hrs
- Drove budget pgm; reconciled100 payment/collection vouchers/0 over payments--accounted $1.3M inaccounting sys
- Drove Cmd's GTC rebates;routed 4th qtr Citibank checks/$1.6M for 8 bases--secured add'l funds for Wg's top 3 UFRs

- Drove SAF/FM tasks; coord'd w/55 APCs/Citi Bank on unclaimed $/notified mbrs <2 wks--2K Amn refunded $750K
- Dvlp'd ANG sep/ret proc; coord'd w/154 Wg ldrs/est'd agreement w/CPTS--pd timely final pay to 452 Guardsmen/$99K

- Educated 122 PCS-in newcomers 1-on-1/id'd 32 high cost of living hardship issues/reduced brief time by 30%
- Enabled 15 Wing lethality; spt'd 8 exer/3.9K sorties/9.5K fly hrs--garnered 12 sq/5 gp/1 wg/3 cmd awds w/14 DV coins
- Enabled distribution/availability of 183K wrkdys for 1.7K-mbrs--88.9% execution of resources/WG mission-ready
- Engaged w/Wg ldrs to build case for E-6 BAS approval; reduced DFAC overcapacity by 15%--superb decision supt!

- Engineered base PCS briefing; provided financial info to 55 mbrs--perfected PCS transition to 6 units across 3 GSUs
- Engineered CPTS newsletter; educated 15 sqs on GTC prcs for First Term Amn--WG/CCC lauded sq's info campaign
- Engineered RIO tm briefing; provided financial info to mbrs f/120 days--perfected PCS transition/maintained quality
- Evolved MDG capes; sync'd w/2 orgs, bought 20 laptops--empowered mobile med svs f/3 wgs, 65 GSU & 7K pts mthly

- Ex'd $236M bgts f/7 tenants/4 GSUs; led dets w/i 4 diff MAJCOM's thru EOY--enhancd USEUCOM msn footrprint
- Executed $206K AMXS budget; sq on course to close out FY16 FHP--facilitated 10.6K srts/21.6K hrs flown to date
- Executed $6.7M AFCEC MIPR; JIAC capabilities revitalized f/21 existent RAF facs--aligne w/Congressional dir 705
- Executed $6M disbursing ops; rallied COVID-19 posture, 4K trans--powered busiest AFCENT aerial port/5.5K msns

- Executed annual RAB inventory; permitted 625 mxer's to focus on mx--fueled 98% MSE rt, FY17/dwarfed 95% goal
- Expertly mng'd t/s'g f/civ pay; >75 remedy tickets settled, acct'd f/100% of FM cases--0 rcds/pay checks unreconciled

- Facilitat'd AOR closeout; sourc'd 36 crit rqmts/>$5M--giant voice upgrade at 2 sites/CFACC #1 pri/12K jt prsnl secur'd
- Facilitated 350 customer inquiries; resolved 10 complex pay issues w/in 24 hrs--scored 100% svc satisfaction ratings
- Filled NCO gap; absorbed add'l $25M budget as MDG/WSA analyst--spt'd 14 agencies/named Wg Warrior of the Wk
- Filled Sq SEL x30 days; led tm to 11x sq/3x group/3x PACAF/FM awards, 2 BTZ wins--awarded WSA SNCO OT4Q

- FM chair/F-22 FTU site survey; detailed analysis mapped $326M relo costs--informed AF permanent basing strategy
- FM self-service is reality; innovation reduced walk-in traffic 28% from FY08; satisfaction still soars 4.8/5.0
- Funded the fight; supported 25+ exercises, deployments and operations--processed 1400 Airmen/47 locations

- Gap-filled pos during 40% mnpwr crisis; asst'd tvl & pay inquiries f/1700+ Amn/Civ prsnl--lauded f/spt to WG/GSUs
- Grew MCA! FMer sel'd for Wg TRON tm; led Proj CASCADE/tracked wg rdyness pgms--trailblazed DevSecOps race

- Handl'd GPC program recon; crtf'd 150 accts/$1.5M monthly avg f/FY16--garnered $33K rebate f/wg QoL initiatives
- Handpicked to assist ARPC HQ f/6 mo; fixed enormous reserve travel voucher backlog--supported all AFRC IMAs
- Hard charging officer and leader on high powered and diverse staff--make a Sq CC then select for IDE in-residence
- Headed asset integration tm; ran 11 acceptance insp s/reduced backlog by 15%--added 11 sys f/STTR range taskings

- Heightened Sq capes; coord'd addition of $6.6M of equip w/4 offices--streamlined process by 4 mo/8 sys rdy f/5 jt ops
- Helm'd AF's lrgst OCO cash ops; ink'd new SOPs f/7 sites/$15M--vital to AFCENT/FMA Special Staff Team OTY '20
- High performer! Stepped up as lead proc tech; led travel voucher proc/auditing for 3 mo--lauded for pt to Wg/GSUs
- Highly knowledgable; id'd/addressed a multitude of complex civ/mil pay entmnt tasks--exhibited amplified expertise

- Id'd critical $304k shortfall in C-12 CLS funding; scrubbed 9 CTF budgets to source funds--enabled 202 C-12 hours
- ID'd FY21 COLA sys errors; coop'd w/AFIMSC for fixes/update--prevented $100K erroneous debts/saved 20 man hrs
- ID'd WSA budget execution issue; realigned $9.1K towards critical wing shortfall rqmts--Sq Ao3Q & PACAF PoTM
- Instrmntl to DEAMS trnst'n; endless hrs of overtime to learn system, train RAs, create prcss'--minimum msn impact!
- It doesn't stop there; awarded #1 FM team in the AOR during AEF 9/10--Langley members define excellence

- Key player f/$7M contract; scoped 2K assets/17 sys/$40M equip--paved sustainment f/$3.9B USAFWC/CC initiative
- Key tm member for ACC FY20 budget plan rollout; readied $7.1B/8,500 msn requirements for warfighter execution
- Key to $5.7M MCA process; ensured fund availability/pymnts for facility bills--kept utility services on/civilians paid
- Key to Op JUNIPER MICRON success; MSG TM cert'd 737 /$1M--enabl'd 1.6M gal offload/crit NATO AAR op

- Langley pacesetters! 100% of squadron passed AF PT test; 7 scored excellent--fit-to-fight anywhere, anytime
- Lead auditor for base Financial Svcs Ofc; certified 1.1K pay documents w/99% accuracy--crushed USAFE's 95% std
- Lead DTS admin; approv'd 1,3K claims, coord'd RI changes w/USAFE FM f/3 OLs--repurpos'd $156K f/Wg initiatives
- Lead DTS admin; processed 120 travel inquiries for med Ops--resolved 50 high-visibility obstacles w/zero msn delay

- Lead escort f/Change of Cmd Ceremony; welcomed & escorted CC family--recognized by AFCR/CC f/performance
- Lead mil pay tech; 1.5K phone calls, emails/input 3K TLA/BAH transactions w/98% accuracy--$1.5M pay disbursed
- Lead trainer f/civ pay rpts/new processes; trnd 10 Amn/impl'd filing/int'l allotment practice--dev/enhanced trng prgm
- Leader amongst peers; trn'd flt on entitlements/guided 2 core gp sessions--postured flt of 32 for 8 unit qtrly awd wins

- Led 154 ANG tng for new help-desk sys; dvlp'd "how-to" guide/educated 4 psnl--streamlined cust svc for 425 AGRs
- Led 21 mil; coord'd w/MHO/steered 393 ROM claims/$2M--team earned HQ Perf OTM/Cmd 'Best Practice'/2 HSMs
- Led 6-mbr tm; revamped tracker/trn'd step-by-step prcs f/suspended debts--#1 in AF f/FM metric/earned Gp NCOTQ
- Led 85 in-processing briefs; audited 1.1K vchrs/$1.3M--sustained <1% GTC delinquency/expedited transition to units

- Led AB 201 Eagle Cash prgm; issued 146 cards, 725 card inventory sec'd/acct'd for--724 EABS/FM ops audit ready!
- Led efforts to correct audit deficiencies--13 audits, 73 recommendations, 100% timely implemented--wow!
- Led FY16 qtrly cash count team; ensur'd proper use of $525K/460NOK f/3 sqdn/GSUs--safeguard'd f/U.S. Treasury
- Led reqs dvlpmt for C-17 weight/balance app; liais'd w/2 orgs/3 SMEs--rdy to save 350 hrs yrly/spt 224 arcft/14K jacks

- Led spt planning cell; negotiated air/gnd logistics/msn config f/31 events--geared range to conduct 2.6K hrs msn ctrl
- Leveraged $15M OCO funding; ensured Team Langley deployment capable--mobility & readiness fully funded
- Liaised w/AFOSI & DFAS; resolved 3 fraudulent housing cases--reinforc'd financial integrity/$1.6K recoup'd to govt
- Liaison'd w/IPR f/OCO tvl order approvals; cert'd 137 CED orders/$155K disb'd--ess to Op Juniper Micron execution

- Linchpin in OTJ; coor'd w/USAFE A3 on short notice taskings/300+ mbrs--enabled successful show of force
- Lobbied $234M for RC-135 Simulator; secured supp funding/preserved pilot training pipeline--rebuilds full capacity

- Managed $5.1M MSG CRA bdgt; in-depth analysis for five sqs/support gp staff--100% obligated by CRA end
- Managed 25 deployed BPAs worth $16M; oversaw accounting of $77M budget; expertly sustained the mission
- Managed ACSA $2M transfer to LDA; validated 50 Jt forces sustainment rqmts--fueled 17 nations' NATO operations
- Managed travel pay for 70 mbrs; processed 50 advances <1-day receipt/100% accurate--mbrs pd on time...every time

- Managed virtual org box; resolved 600 pay inquiries/vetted 450 pay records--slashed response time from 72-to-24 hrs
- Mastered Eagle Cash Card prgm; issu'd 1.7K cards/reduc'd customer traffic/US currency--morale boost f/10K jt force
- Mentored CPTS; briefed 2 officers, 9 enlisted, & 5 Civ on AF plan to rebuild for war & FM contingency ops
- Meticulously accounted for 1.7K lines of dormant obs worth $394M--freed $10M in prior yr for critical needs

- Meticulously certified $1.8M; created 24 planning Fm 9's--enabled seamless FY16 crossover/0 msn stoppage
- Meticulously managed UTM prgm, completed MICT ahead of schedule--all personnel up-to-date on training rqmts
- Meticulously prcs'd 50+ tvl vouchers/15 OHA & TLA claims; disbursed $15K--ensured prompt GTC payments f/prsnl
- Meticulously researched open document listing; identified & deob'd 13 PY items valued $65K--reduced 5 yr backlog

- Mg'd cashier cage proj; coor'd safe move, cage build & improved FP w/safe upg--aligned w/DoD FMRV5 directives!
- Mg'd SFS $3.3M budget! Spt'd 285 SF psnl/44 UTC s/>$7M--prot'd assets=15 KC-135, 10 CV-22 & 7 MC-130/$5B
- Mission Essential Skills Training fund manager; appropriated 497 days, 18K travel for required mx task completion
- Mng'd 18 DAs/PAs; dart'd $19.5M/23K transactions, ran 21 cash counts--postur'd US/20-partner forces f/OIR/OFS ops

- Mng'd acquisition forecast; drove MAJCOM f/two deployable sys transfers--saved $4M/primed sq f/global coverage
- Mng'd auditin f/RAFM Financial Svcs Ofc; cert'd 32.8K pay docs wrkld w/96% accuracy--crushed USAFE's 95% std
- Mng'd finance customer spt center; guided hundreds of customers wkly--saved AFRC over 1K man hrs/pay on time
- Modernized COT/IPCOT trvl; polished guides for 58 CSS's/incr'd acc by 10%--decreased pay time from 14 to 3 days

- Navigat'd 5 last-min Paying Agent taskings; coord'd w/Navy Intel/$87K cash spt--propell'd CYBERCOM msn to Japan

- Orchestrat'd AFCENT Eagle Cash prgm; 6 FOBs/225 devices--alt method remov'd $90M cash/mitigated potential loss
- Organized 2 no-notice cash verification audits; validated $51.5K cash-on-hand--100% Disbursing Ops accountability
- Other addt'l duties include FARM, CPR instructor, Safe Custodian--all mng'd w/ 100% dedication to audit readiness
- Outstanding RA! Mng'd 557 GTC accounts/$902K GTC expenses--upheld 1.8% delinquency rt/bested ACC's 2% std

- Overhauled GPC prgm; mng'd 6 mbrs/budgeted $2.5M UFR--closed 10-yr funding gap f/DoD's only mobile space sim
- Oversaw GTC pgm; reduced delinquent cards 33%/Wg earned $45K QoL rebates--awd'd PACAF/FM SNCO OT1Q
- Oversaw $12M pymts; coord'd $152K print contract/8 Mil Inter-departmental PRs--guaranteed TM print capabilities
- Oversaw annual fuel budget; monitored Sq's 46 vehicle fleet--reduced monthly liabilities by $7K during sequestration

- Oversaw CED cert process; certified 66 orders/$102K in 2 hours--successful execution of Operation
- Oversaw FY19 COLA survey efforts; 11 retail CATs rvw'd, 140 items research'd w/in 48 hrs--imprv'd QoL f/16K prsnl
- Oversaw honor guard integration; shifted $30K into WSA budget--supported 450 ceremonies/20K square mile AOR
- Oversaw sq's ROM prcs; sync'd w/NGIS/reconciled 360 lodging claims--$1.4M paid/zero out-of-pocket for 360 Amn

- Partner'd w/FM Deputy Dir, Combined Air & Space Ops Ctr--spt'd $1.2B OCO portfolio/44.6K sorties/6.8K air strikes
- Partnered w/DLA/DFAS; identified/corrected $29K in erroneous fuel charges--saved $221K in mission funds
- Personally in-processed 48 FW/CC & CCC; prioritized PCS--zero delays leadership gained on station w/in 24 hrs
- Prepared 58 EOM RBA Status of Funds reports for 15 CTF PM/SPOs and 14 test customers--100% delivered on time

- Pri AFIPPS trainer f/2 bases; dvlp'd trng pgm f/30 3F0 prsnl/142 tasks--primed f/seamless transition ISO 11K Amn in '22
- Process'd 543 PCS arrivals on new Amn; updated all pay/allowances in < 1 day--destroyed AF 5-day standard
- Processed $6.9M+; obligated 160 docs w/100% accuracy, transferred 5 PY charges--freed up $70K for FY16
- Processed 372 funding docs; loaded $10M to accounting syst--reinforced spending power/msn capes for 15 squadrons

- Processed funding actions, balanced, ensured funds cntrl of O&M, MilPers--99.5% execution of Top 3 ANG budget
- Procured $48K of PPE/cold wx gear; 625 mxer's focused on mx effort--upheld 98% MSE rt FY16/dwarfed 95% goal
- Produced DB to provide ldr's w/ accurate data on unpaid mil/trvl pay--expdt hndrds/mbrs receipt of pay & entlmnts
- Pushed Sq's Land Mobile Radio upgrade; procured 26 assets/$175K--strengthened mx/warfighter's comm capes 60%

- Ramrodded 62 time sensitive DTS accruals/paid $76.2K late GTC bills; mitigated DoD AEF cycle bottleneck
- Ran TW OCO budget; consolidated travel/gear/pay funds of 37 squadrons--executed $3.7M/bolstered warfighter spt
- Refin'd PCS gaining SOPs; in-prcs'd 1.6K Amn/$5.6M paid <3-days vs. AF 30-day std--pgm #1/9 wgs in Cmd x6 mos
- Refined ROM OIs; coord'd w/NGIS, elim'd 647 delinquent lodging claims--$100K pd...awd'd PACAF/FM NCO OT2Q!

- Regulated PCS ops; tm audited 2K vouchers/payment timeliness up 9%--#1 of 9 wgs in Cmd achieved #9/98 in AF
- Reinforced CMS prgm; coord'd w/MPF/DFAS/AFPC to close 2.8K cases w/in 45 days--topped HHQ metric 6/12 mos
- Reorg'd wg's Welcome Ctr; infused 8 ntwk tools/trn'd 16 stf--surged 8/13 FM stats, 4 into ACC's top 10%, svd 300 hrs/yr
- Researched and resolved complex internal/external budget issues; maintained integrity of all appropriated funds

- Resolved AFIMSC pay reports; 4-mbr team fixed 14 mbrs' pay--closed 3 MICT discreps/prevented $20K BAH errors
- Resolved HQ-generated pay rpts; led 4-mbr tm, fixed 20 pay records--closed 4 MICT discreps, averted BAH errors/$50K
- Resource conscious DTS reviewer; audited/corrected/input 735 auths/vouch; 112K--produced accurate/timely pay
- Revamp'd AOR disbursing prgm; reduc'd lead time from 1 wk to 48 hrs--expedit'd cash/mov'd $1.9M/aid'd 6 CONOPS

- Revamped civ pay pgrm; dev'd step-by-step trn'g guide, impl'd ingenious rcd prc f/23 new hires--sect knwldg bolstered
- Revamped civ/mil pay pgrm; dev'd step-by-step trn'g guide, impl'd ingenious record proc--reduced pay reject by 99%
- Revamped customer svc audit process; initiated on-spot corrections for 3 techs--reduced military pay rejects by 30%
- Revamped sep/ret pgm; conducted 317 1-on-1 briefs/approved 475 leave requests--elim'd 6 mos backlog/eased transit

- Revised DTS and GTC training; developed e-Registration; 169 Amn given hands-on training; lauded by all
- Revised Reserve spt f/vchr prcs; cleared backlog...expedited 75 vchr's/$25K paid--cut pymt time by 8 wks/66% faster
- Revived contingency tng; 1st in 13 mos/postured sq for Paying Agent msn--shouldered 4/8 PACAF/FM TDY taskings
- Revived CPTS newsletter; 15 sqs informed on new GTC prcs for TTGs/eased PCS transition--coined by 613 AOC/CC

- Secured 56K EOY funding for OCP APEX and backpacks -- ensured mbrs were properly equipped for new uniform
- Secured/mng'd $880K in new contracts; led acft sun shade/travel pod overhaul--spt'd 10.9K srts/23K hrs f/FY17 FHP
- Selected #1/13 AFCENT paying agents Jan 09 and two AEW NCO/month--Dec 08, Sep 09; certified rockstars
- Smashed Triannual Review items; integral in research of 35+ docs--validated $250K w/$80K returned to units

- Sole sq GPC cardholder; enabled telework, acquired $125K comm/ofc eqpmt--reduced spread, sustained 3 orgs 24/7 ops
- Sole supply/logistics mgr f/2 sq's; oversaw $186M inventory f/33 high-vis EW msns--spt'd 22 DoD/coalition partners
- Solo FM lead at 536 person 419th CTF; executed $111M budget supporting 8 aircraft, 6 test sorties and 40 test hours
- Spearhead'd OHA/Utility Expn survey tasker; 30% participation goal achiev'd--better'd QoL/utility expn index 9%

- Spearheaded Shaw's $58K intake/exhaust cover replacement contract--enhanced appearance/boosted FOD prevention
- Sppt'd Mano Dayak a/p sec detail; moved 17 vehicles/$238K valued assets--improved AB 201's mobility & response
- Spt'd 52 acft HUREVAC <24 hrs; gen'd orders f/47 Amn/protected $2B fleet--keyed Grp's '16 Mx Daedalian Trophy
- Spt'd Cmd largest acctng pgm; tm'd w/37 RAs/5Cmds/secured$850K transient alert UFR--executed $388M fiscal ops

- Sq SME on DoD procurement/ethics; aced financial crs/rqmts--executed budget ISO 1.9K range hrs f/14 CCMD ex's
- Steered wg's DoD FM cert pgm; dvlp'd tng f/32 psnl, 24 crses completed/72 credits--8 Amn SEI rqmts done 6+ mos early
- Stellar DTS Reviewing Official; fixed/processed 100+ travel vouchers--val'd $25K in claims/eased fiscal constraints
- Stopped TCN from scanning flightline; eliminated potential force protection violation--nation's assests secured

- Streamlin'd ROM-lodging prcs; sync'd w/MHO/dir'd 1K claims/$5.2M settl'd--cut scan time by 5 days/paid 28% faster
- Streamlined station gain procedures; cut wkly briefings from 3 to 1--saved 234 man-hrs/slashed processing time 30%
- Sync'd w/MPS & First Sgts; facilitated 22 emer leaves--secured US air transportation for 49 family mbrs w/in 24 hrs

- Tackled problem 3K travel voucher backlog; restored pay/entitlements f/7K Amn--Awd'd 2nd Ach medal f/excellence
- The awards just keep coming--4 ACC/FM, one 1FW, eleven 1FW staff and 2 ASMC award winners this year
- The numbers tell the story--they say Langley is #1 and more than deserving of the FM organization of the year
- TM LMR data call lead! Right-siz'd'd 94 radios/sav'd $500K--TM $1M 1st responder net refresh set!

- Tm'd w/MPS f/pay reform; produc'd x5 A1/SAF/FM-dir'd trngs/trn'd 5 tm leads--prep'd 7.5K/67 units f/AFIPPS reorg
- Tm'd w/MPS on pay reform; produc'd x5 A1/SAF/FM-dir'd trngs/trn'd 5 areas--prep'd 7.5K/67 units for AFIPPS reorg
- Trained civ pay rpts & new processes; 4 new rpts id'd, impl'd filing/int'l allotment practices--coined by USAFE/FM CC
- Trusted w/largest FM prog on TM! Spt'd 1.4K msns--skilled analysis allowed FY16 $32.5M closeout w/zero fallout

- Ultimate warriors; steadfast support to OEF/OIF--8 members deployed--funding freedom's fight; we're all in!

- Validated 276 aircrew incentive pay records; coord'd w/HARM ofc & rectified 3 errors--accurately accounted $465K
- Virtually eliminated interest penalty payments! Paid only $73K for the year--an unbelievable accomplishment
- Vital to AEWs CV-19 response posture; sourced $13M f/quarantine camps/medical PPE--incr'd testing capes by 200%
- Vol'd f/mo food delivery/mail offloads; aided 30+ msns/66 trucks/est. 32+ tons/$1.2M value--huge TM moral booster
- Volunteered Amn time; scrubbed/insp'd pay docs, lowering excess vouchers w/DETs--coord'd improv w/AFRC FM

- Waged war on out of balance vouchers; from 14 months OOB to zero--accounted for > $40K; excellent results
- WG GPC admin; conduct mnthly pmt review/processing, coord'd w/RAs--$13.5K crdt to WG for timely pmt prcssng
- WG/IG WIT mbr; conducted 2 vert insps/4 fiscal pgms/104 checklist items--validated MXS & AMXS UEI-compliant

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