Health Services Management EPR Bullets

Job Description

- Oversees MH administrative functions, maintains schedules f/14 assigned staff & delivers care f/12K JB beneficiaries
- Conducts ADAPT assessments/indiv/gp therapy, develops comprehensive treatment plans & provides clinical feedback
- Manages assessments/individual/gp therapy; directs comprehensive treatment plans; drives clinical case staffing mtgs
- Directs supplies & work orders; mng's high-interest/multi-clinic pgm f/3 clinics, updates/documents pt progress/status

- Leads/mentors/advises 12 Ofcrs/10 enl/4 civs in AF's sole civ hosp embedded GME family Medicine Residency pgm
- Assists 34 providers/4 nurses/8 medics in delivery of primary & specialized care to 7k empaneled DOD beneficiaries
- Supports clinic leadership w/strategic planning/day-to-day ops; template manager f/30 providers; schedules/books apt
- Key add'l duties: WG/CC CAT, pt admin tm; Serves as DTPAM Trusted Agent, Sq DTS AO & Sq 4A0/AFMH SME

- Schedules appointments, initiates telephone consultations, and verifies patient eligibility for care & treatment
- Assists with administrative duties in support of 12 aerospace medicine physicians, 12 IDMTs, and two nurses
- Oversees, updates & files medical records for over 1.8K rated and non-rated aircrew and their family members
- Backup computer sys technician to 16 staff mbrs for updating software/programs helping to maintain daily ops

- Serves as unit functional expert, sorts/scans medical documents into HAIMS record; orders x-rays/lab tests as direct'd

- Coordinates ATC f/2K clinic beneficiaries; safeguards 14K outpatient health rcd/referral rpts; gatekeeper f/daily ops

Performance Assessment

- Assisted in annual QA rev of 800+ health records; contributed to unit's consistent record high inventory rtgs
- Assisted in PHA process enhancements; produced streamlined work flow processes and enhanced customer service

- Briefed 150 mbrs; SP, ADAPT, stress mgmt presented--promoted wingman culture, mitigated potential mishaps

- Championed PRT transition; led 4 mbrs/labelled/corrected 900 rcds--ensur'd pt safety/critical migration/f 5.3k records
- Collected valuable pt data; processed Third-Party-Collection insurance forms for 400 pts--wg recouped $2K
- Coordinated 55 MDG CRT trng; expertly trained 21 mbrs on disaster Ops--CRT equipped for any contingency

- Direct'd schedules f/33 staff/5 specialties; coord'd residency training/900 appts--ensured 95% AtC f/28K beneficiaries
- Directed RMC ops/3 personnel; managed 13K referrals/$16M in civilian care-flt garnered Health Plans Team Awd
- Directed wg deployment/PCS waivers; rdy'd pkges/comm'd w/3 MAJCOMs--guarenteed 40 fit-to-fight pers f/6 AORs
- Drove annual AD audit; instr'd 3 amn/survey'd charts/tracking f/3.5 rcds--found 195 rcds/crushed previous audit/15%

- Enlisted lead for wg sexual assault exercise; provided ROE guidance, exercise materials--lauded by WG/CC
- Execut'd global rec audit; contacted 82 DoD bases/90 man-hrs/eliminated 5 yr backlog--resolved 250 misplaced files
- Expedited 372 deployment clearances/health assessments; msn success-provided patients 95% access care

- Filled 5 wk gap; championed EFMP prgm/screened/rvw'd/coor'd PCS process f/45 FDIs/135 family mbrs--0 errors
- Fine-tuned flt HI prgm; audited 350 charts, ID'd deficiencies, streamlined audit criteria-- 100% insp compliant

- IACUC pgm manager; submitted 22 research protocols/coord'd 2 insps--zero errors ID'd--key to '15 AMC Hosp OTY
- Instituted MH tech trng prgm; trnd 3 techs on 180 tasks 3 months ahead of AF std--doubled tech competencies
- Instructed APEC/NCOPE/SNCOPE courses; educated 90+ members--enriched Wg enlisted corps at all levels

- Key mbr SG s PCMH implementation/align'd clinic resources/halted off base referrals--$75K referral cost svd
- Key OPR tm mbr; mx'd 10K benes rcds/mitigated 4.5K rcd retirement/packed 179 boxes/$1.1K proj--cut error rt 33%
- Key to PCMH std; compiled wkly HUD rprt/track'd appt availability/max'd AtC stds--ranked #1 GME f/AF f/4 mnths

- Launched sole pediatric developmental clinic in USAFE; enabl'd svc/outreach for 1K EFMP pts--access 100
- Led 3 TSR events, AD death/RC-135 in-flight emergency; provided counseling/education--115 ppl supported

- Managed 5 provider templates/12K appts/4.8K ped pop/98% team continuity--exceeded annual biz plan by 5%
- Managed annual QA rev of over 800+ health records--achieved 6th consecutive 99% record accountability rating
- Managed flt neuropsychological prgm; 450 deployers screened & tested--ensured mbrs combat msn readiness
- Managed MH outreach; briefed sleep hygiene/anger mgmt--4 joint service units supported/promoted resiliency
- Mastered complex Composite Health Care Sys--reaccomplished 8 provider templates--critical to clinic function
- MHC outreach mgr; coord's outreach in spt of 2 Wg's-- conducted over 100 reintegration, FTAC, & pre-deplymt trng's
- Mng'd AdHoc report; scrutinized 14K appts f/CMA adjudication/rvw/coord'd w/7 clinics--critical to zero missed SFs

- Obtained MedicX cert; perform'd 36 hrs COVID testing/retrieved 31 specimens--avoid'd referal costs/recouped $3.8k
- Overhauled SES Prgm; created optimum policy/database/checklist--reduced ACC reporting time 1wk to 24hr
- Overhauled Special Duty Prgm; wrote expedient procedures/guidelines--slashed completion time 3wk to 3day

- Particpated in 2 IRT's; lead admin duties for MCC; processed 833 patients; facilitated over 2110 medical procedures
- Performed 10 evals, 30 triages; gathered vital info, provid'd support--freed 45 provider hrs & ensured pt safety
- Pivotal Tricare advocate; guided 3 pt elective surgeries/collected 63 bills--svd benes $45K med costs/evaded loss of life
- Postured flt for safety inspection; conducted 12 spot checks/no write-ups--key to annual Wg "Outstanding" rate
- Processed >800 non appt requests; assessed pt physicals/school med forms--decreased wait from 72 to 24 hrs
- Processed med reviews for 19 sec clr investigation requests; supported USM workflow--ensured on-time completion
- Provider extender; evaluated/treated 35 ADAPT pt appts--maintaining inspection standards/100% compliant
- Pt Travel kingpin; enlightened 1 sq, remodeled wrksheets/brfd 148 pts/NMAs--recouped $51.4K travel expenses f/pts

- Received CADC certification; completed 300hrs direct substance abuse pt care--met AF reqmt 1 year early
- Regulated AtC std; rescheduled/triaged 117 pts/reutilized/reconfigured 22 acute appts--averted $9K loss/delay in care
- Restructured Wg SP prgm; established Sq POCs/protocols--increased Wg trng to 97% shattering AF 90% goal

- Solved emergent pt care access; engineered daily Doc/tech on-call teams & schedules--increased access 85%
- Spearheaded Low Risk Alcohol Consumption campaign; 18 wg units participating--lowest DUI rate in 6 yrs
- Spt'd ACC's lrgst reimbursement prgm; rectified $328K UBO med claims/accelerated billing--amassed $4.8M f/MDG
- Standardized weekly clinic meetings; assisted 6 providers w/tracking DNIC/DNIF prsnl--ensured 498 flyers msn rdy
- Superior RMC Lead; oversaw 2 techs/2890 referrals/w/66% staffing--sustain'd 100% closure rate/$1.8 mil patient care
- Sustained TPC prgm; upgraded verification sys/cert'd 2K TPIs--awarded #1 clinic in MDG f/2 mnths/recouped $35K

- Technical acumen; developed complex system/prgm for pediatric clinic--pop hlth/pt ed kiosk outreach for 6K
- Trained face-to-face MDOS suicide prevention; small group leader 10 ppl--accommodating AF short suspense

- Vital OPR tm; brfd MDG info f/wg Right Start/inproc'd 30 families/allayed 4.5K rcds retirement--slashed error rt 33%

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