Radiology EPR Bullets

- 1 of 3 'sign-off' preceptors f/DI Phase II prgm; certified 15 students, 76 tasks/100% grad--solidified manning f/AFSC
- 382 TRS student ldr; assisted MTLs with morale/discipline f/850 personnel--received LOA from Sq CC f/leadership

- Accomplished 5 mos DI Phase I Apprentice course; graduated w/90% GPA--received Academic Achievement Award
- Accomplished 582 DI exams; verified pt history & ensured proper exam complet'd--deliver'd $116K in access to care
- Aced DI Phase II course; finished 1520-hr prgm, 1.1K exams & excelled w/90% GPA--awd'd Crs Top Scanner & DG
- Alt Flight TLD monitor; assist'd RSO/tracked & distributed 120 dosimeters--complied w/TJC regs/zero discrepancies
- Assisted fluoro dept; provided set-up/prepared contrast/pt consent forms--worked w/6 radiologists/20 invasive exams
- Attended trusted care trng; applied tools/error prevention/accountability--contributed to hosp 99% pt satisfaction ratin
- Augment'd DI Phase II Prgm; taught x-ray positioning/anatomy techniques/76 tasks/8 students--drove 100% grad rate
- Augmented CT dept 24-hr service; learned/mastered 21 protocols/scanned 143 pts--saved $71.5K in outsourcing fees
- Augmented CT dept to cover 24hr services; mastered 34 tasks/75 emergent exams--slashed on-call tech time by 50%
- Authored exposure technique chart; develop'd parameters f/6 x-ray rooms--improv'd image qual f/8.4K critical exams
- Authored specialty OR suite continuity binder; created guidelines f/2 IR procedures--established standards f/3 depts

- BMT/Phase I sec/safety monitor/5 mos; trnd flt on SOPs/controlled dorm entry/direct'd traffic--safeguarded 500 mbrs
- Broke barriers; teamed imaging/ER staff--reduced consult wait times by 46%; 2.5 hrs door-to-floor time--#1/8 in AF
- Built LDM initiative; identified highly repeat'd exams, led 2 positioning trng inservices--slash'd pt exposure rate 30%

- Challenged/passed nat'l ARRT cert; augmented technical expertise/mastered AFSC--selected for Modality**
- Champion'd CHCS daily log audit; rvw'd 32K studies/ID'd/fixed errors--expedited 1K diagnoses/zero delay in pt care
- Combined radiology/surgical expertise; modified brain CT scan protocols--lowered radiation exposure totals by 86%
- Completed 16 add'l CT sign-offs/CT basics training; scanned 85 after hrs ED patients--saved MTF $144K in referrals
- Completed admin UGT sign-offs; scheduled/arrived 130 US/45 CT/275 x-ray procedures--facilitated $112.5K pt svcs
- Conducted daily QA testing f/2 DI x-ray units; trained 16 members on proper QC--safeguarded $2M in AF resources
- Conquered 52 wk Phase I/II pgrm; mastered 1.3K OJT hrs/77 core objectives--90% avg/earned 'Distinguished Grad'
- Conquered 56-wk Phase I/II prgm; mastered 1.3K-hr OJT crs/76 core objectives--achieved 91% average/both classes

- Dedicated 100 hours f/x-ray cert study; utilized knowledge gained/passed ARRT exam--among XX% in Flt w/registry
- Devised trng prgm f/67 Amn; led 3 events, promoted health & wellness as PTL--Flt's pass rate up'd to 88% from 67%
- DI Radiation Safety mngr; oversaw/account'd f/58 TLDs, facilitated qrtly inspections--validated safety measures f/Flt

- Excell'd w/C-Arm/Fluoro trng; operat'd $120K eqpmt/sign'd-off 5 OJT tasks/50% AoS--enabl'd OR med care f/15 pts
- Executed 1.5K emer/routine exams; spt'd Flt w/17K pt encounters/$3.4 M med svs--repeat rate 50% below nat'l avg
- Executed 1.5K ER/routine exams; verified patient history/provid'd high quality images to 6 MDs--captured 5K RVUs
- Executed 150 diagnostic imaging exams; utilized TC principles f/pt history & exam validation--deliver'd $30k in care
- Executed 700 procedures; verified proper exam protocols/enabled $220K in med svcs--awarded "Tech of the Month"
- Executed File Rm procedures; prepared & processed film/report & prescription requests--expedited 300 pts' med care

- Facilitated Gp RSO w/dosimeter prgm; tracked/maintained 600 TLDs--zero discrepancies & TJC inspection qualified
- Filled-in short notice shift coverage; managed ops for ER/Wards/outpatient svcs f/15 pts--selected for U/S school
- Flt Records Custodian POC; 2-mbr tm/revised appt letter/certified 15 e-files/89 prsnl--SAV found no findings f/prgm
- Flt UFPM; tracked/scheduled 60 mbrs/mng'd 12 PTL's, created personaliz'd daily PT f/2 mbrs--cut Flt pt failures 60%

- Gp RSO POC; tracked/maintained 600 TLDs, performed quarterly checks--zero discrepancies/TJC inspection ready

- Hand selected f/DI Customer Svc rep; garner'd 47 positive comment cards f/pt experience--coined by Gp Pt Advocate

- Initiated review of HAZCOM binder; ID'd/corrected discrepancies--prepped/briefed 90 mbrs on hazardous spill SOP
- Interim DI Floor Manager; oversaw daily ops f/23 prsnl ISO inpatient, outpatient & ER msns--garner'd 100% success

- Labored 90 on-call hours; administered prompt access to care & scanned 30 critically ill patients--zero loss of lives
- Lead OR tech; built 'how to' trng guide f/section on $1.2M hybrid OR suite--spt'd 60 surgical cases/$120K in services
- Led Flt fitness prgm/11 PTLs; authored new policy/overhauled tracking tool f/67 prsnl--55% "Excellent" team score
- Led PI f/Flt peer rvw; train'd alts, partnered w/rads to transcribe results--maintain'd accountability/dx's f/600 patients

- Mastered US Phase I; devoted tech/aced 29 progress checks/outperform'd peers by 31%--awarded "TOP SCANNER"
- Mng'd DI Core schedule; assigned weekly rotations f/26 prsnl throughout 5 areas--enabled 24/7 coverage/24K appts
- Mng'd MDG radiation prgm; teamed w/8 depts/tracked 240 prsnl/1.2K badges--zero discrepancies on Wg Qrtly SAV
- Modernized CT/OR SOP binder; overhauled 108 protocols--revised std of care f/patients & XXth MDG staff members

- Night shift worker; complet'd/transmitted tele-radiology studies--provid'd stat care to 6 clinics/215 pts, no delay in dx

- OR Hybrid Suite Trainer; taught 14 techs on $2.7M eqpmt capes/functions--increased specialty suite manning 700%
- Oversaw feedback prgm; creat'd spreadsheet/tracked due dates/input data/train'd alt--solidified eval process f/60 mbrs

- Perform'd annual Flt film purge; dispos'd of 5k lbs x-ray films/eliminat'd 10 yr backlog--brought dept to meet AF reg
- Performed 108 emergent/routine procedures; matched orders w/pt history to validate exam--enabled $200K in pt care
- Performed 1K X-ray exams; utilized proper pt positioning/exposure factors for studies--delivered $158K in med svcs
- Performed 2.1K exams; aided w/pt studies f/60 physicians/$315K med care--contributed to MTF 95% pt satisfaction
- Performed 673 CT/surgery exams; document'd orders/protocols f/radiologist--verified pt results/procured $800K svcs
- Phase II Dorm Ldr x4 mo; led 8 mbr orderly tm/provid'd student accountability--sustained living conditions f/20 prsnl
- Presented LDM Focus gp questions x 6 wks; tracked pt satisfaction & avg exam--integrated TC principles into pt care
- Primary HAZCOM; scrutinized 30 insp items, dev'd spill kits & foster'd sfty--aced Gp inspection w/zero discrepancies

- Revamped dept SOP binder; condensed 100 procedures/unified 3 new ops--standardized exam protocols x4 DI rooms
- Revamped file room procedures; created admin chklst f/mailing films/pending orders--solidified process f/23 prsnl

- Serviced DI Phase II prgm; instructed 23 students on anatomy & positioning/1.3K signoffs--critical to 100% grad rate
- Supplemented critically manned MRI career field; execut'd 300 pt exams--provid'd $1.4M in svcs f/57K beneficiaries
- Surmount'd 14-month trng pinnacle; awarded ARRT Natl X-Ray Registry/scored 88%--handpicked by CFM for MRI
- Taught Phase II students/77 core tasks; instructed hands-on skills/positions/anatomy/25 Amn--key to 100% grad rate

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