IPE Journeyman EPR Bullets

- Oversaw tm of 4 technicians; mng re-warehouse ANG locations 100% inv 3.6K assets/$750K- garner two AOM awd

- Aided IPE vault inventory; validat'd 2.1K wpn's/$1.7M/verified base security--arm'd 8 pax/fortified Wg combat capes
- Assisted critical whse reorg; validated 164K units/$13.5M/rectified 15-yr inv disparity--increas'd accuracy rate >37%
- Coordinated laundry service of 12K chem suits/sleep sys; equip returned to inventory--reutilized/saved $10K
- Directed IPE bag inspection process; deployed 1K OEF/OND/TSP passengers & issued 2.2K bags--vital to readiness
- Directed research of missing level IV body armor; prevented 9 reports of survey--recovered $36K worth of gear
- Enforced PICP compliance; analyzed 25 ROS/adjusted 196 errors/$500K--bolstered stewardship of DoD materiel sys
- Executed 54 complete inventories; counted 133K assets/$69M--anchored 99% accuracy rate/bested AF 97% standard
- First choice to instruct Wg/Group/Sq CCs on proper assy/wear of new FRIOTV; increased leadership safety
- Headed the disposition of unserviceable CWDE assets worth 500,000 dollars--increased warehouse storage by 40%
- Inspected 3100 gas mask kits--facilitated transition from MCU/2P Mask to Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM)
- Inspected shelf-life of 13,000 Chemical Warfare suits--prevented replenishment of $1.5 million in shelf-life assets
- Inventoried 1,122 weapons valued at 500,000+ dollars--ensured accountability of arms, maintained security, safety
- Led 12 pers team; streamlined IPE whse/sorted 8K CBRNE by lot/exp--slashed pull-time 15 to 6 mins per bag
- Led IPE storage effort; transferred $8M CBRNE from metal to plastic bins--evaded $60K latent loss/damage
- Led warehouse expansion project; realigned 330 items/redistributed 650 assets/$930K--increased capacity by 500 sq ft
- Managed AF's largest ETDC; maintained 1.4M items worth $103M--equipped 22K warfighters w/ zero delays
- Orchestrated FAC reorg; optimized issue efficiency from 60 to 100 prsnl--decreased processing time 20 minutes
- Organized hazwaste disposal w/Bioenvironmental; xfer'd 1.6K lbs expired stock/$30K--clear'd 3-year excess < 2 mos
- Oversaw Doc Cntrl process; scanned 12K rcds/chronicled 6.2K ISU's/$55M--aided GRF readiness f/ 42K Army prsnl
- Oversaw IPE overdue CWDE prgm; verified docs/cleared 118 pers--preserved 100% accuracy/zero losses/ROS averted
- Performed 100 percent inventory of IPE assets across six units worth $55 million--ensured accountability, readiness
- Phenomenal IPE line; processed 154 C-1 Bags/prsnl w/in 1hr despite MICAS migration--46 sec avg line time
- Piloted consolidation proj; validated/consolidated 125K CWDE assets/$2M--freed astounding 100 whse loc's
- Piloted IPE ops; issued trng gear to 4.3K prsnl/validated 98K CWDE assets/$149M--fortified Wg f/combat readiness
- Potential life-saver; meticulously inspect'd 1K/$260K JSGPM/validat'd JSMLT date--id'd 300 required testing
- Prep'd CWDE/IPE for HQ redistribution; ship'd 21K assets/$2.7M w/in 3 wks--Thumrait Mobility operational
- Processed 348 Red Horse deployers; isu'd 2K IPE assets/$2.7M error free--ensured deployers combat readied
- Regulated shipment suspense pgm; researched/cleared 442 delinquent rcds/$5M--0.1% DSSD rate crushed AF 5% std
- Reinforced PAAF en route spt; resolved 368 MICAPs rqmts/1K assets/$7M--generated 1.2K JA/ATT msns/38K pax
- Revised CBRNE roll up database; ID'd/corrected pgrm deficiencies--decreased HHQ report time by 24 hrs
- Revised IBA laundry contract; added 8 components/cut costs 55%--enhanced equipment spt to OEF/OIF/OND
- Revised IPE shelf life mgt prog; broke down 1500 C-Bags, w/ 10 items to ind bulk storage--improved accountability
- Spearheaded recall of M-50 Gas Masks for 5K+ prsnl in two weeks--ensured AUAB 100% mission readiness
- Supported cargo mvmt; helped w/distribution of IPE worth $7.5M; assured JET Amn prep'd for OND/OEF missions
- Synchroniz'd whse 3 overhaul; scrutiniz'd 159 cluster'd loc's/reconstruct'd 56K LI--incr'd CWDE/whse layout by %25
- Teamed w/ AF MICAS admin--converted to service-wide system--improved tracking of 200K mob assets valued at $5M
- Transferred 3K CWDE assets to DLA-DS; allowed reutilization by other DoD agencies--prevented unserv isu

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