MTI EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Instructs initial mil trng and basic expeditionary skills; evaluates trainee performance, adaptability & AF Core Values
- Conducts MTIR dorm/tent insp; identifies/corrects administrative discrepancies; teaches/leads physical trng exercises
- Performs trainee/key/radio/weapon accountability; prepares and maintains records; submits maintenance work orders
- Spts CAF prgms; counsels and advises recruits on challenges; provides remedial trng; administers disciplinary action

- Directly supervises, leads & evaluates 400+ trainees on fundamental skills necessary for entry into military svc
- Counsels trainees and maintains trng documentation on strengths/adaptability; responsible for 14K+ trng items
- Inculcates discipline, pride, teamwork & AF Core Values in all phases of trng to prepare warrior Amn for duty
- Manages dormitory & resources worth $1M+; responsible to CC for oversight of up to 1,200 assigned Airmen

- Responsible for training of 36K AF trainees annually at Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training (BEAST)
- Ensures all trainees receive practical application in combat survivability related principles and basic LOAC
- Coordinates SABC, Integrated Defense, Post Attack Response, Chemical Attack and final evaluation exercises
- Supervises 220 trainees wkly on training objectives at 123-acre training compound valued in excess of $33.5M

Performance Assessment

- Attended MTI Professional Development Seminar--expanded knowledge base & enhanced interaction w/peers

- Conducted 360 field trng exercises; mentored/eval'd 4.5K Airman--instilled expeditionary skills/warrior ethos

- Conducted 4 misconduct investigations; 200+ comprehensive interviews--upheld BMT/AF standards & image

- Conducted 78 room insps; enforced health/wellness of 82 stdnts, $23M facility maintained; Sq/CC coined E-Flt

- Dedicated/disciplined NCO; graduated tough 7-week MTI School--primed to train AF's future Warrior Airmen

- Directed mgmt of $624K M-16 trng wpn prgm; 1.3K assets w/100% serviceability rate--1.2K Amn msn-ready

- Directed MTI trng cadre approach development; intensified initial instr immersion--95% on-time certifications

- Inprocessed 83 BMT grads; dedicated 40 hrs instructing Amn on AF/AETC/local stds; equipped for intel trng

- Inspired excellence; motivated 4 Airmen to "Honor Graduate" status--reserved for top 10% of each BMT class

- Led 800 Amn though "Creating Leaders Amn Warriors" crse; instilled AEF mindset--fostered ldrshp/teamwork

- Led BMT guide rewrite; captured Amn Trng Complex distinction--set next generation std for AF's #1 resource

- Managed 162 MTI certifications; coord'd 202 evals/revised stdt/instr interaction--filled 32% BMT manpower

- Managed recruiter assistance prgm; processed 90 applications, w/zero deficiencies; turnover rate boosted 50%

- Motivator! Pushed flt to achieve BMT "BEAST Excellence" award--#1 of 12 flts; deployment ready Airmen

- Outstanding MTI--displayed superb initiative molding 200+ Amn--supported total force in 37 critical AFSCs

- Redesigned BMT trng prgm; decreased eval fails 72%--key to Sq/Gp/Wg "Excellent" ratings for '14 AETC CI

- Refurbished 20 casualty simulators; provided realistic SABC trng exercises--saved $20K in replacement costs

- Scrutinized field trng ops guide; id'd 112 discrepancies--partnered w/Curriculum Development to correct TTPs

- Supervised 85 formations; ensured 100% accountability of 629 stdnts; key to zero delays in Amn ISR tech trng

- Whole Amn; hand-picked MTI supervisor/#1 selected of 36 eligible--led daily ops for 1.3K recruits/52 instr's

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