Air Operations Database Manager EPR Bullets

- Entered 960 AODB entries; incorporated 150 flying units and 75 aircraft--crucial to USAFCENT msn planning

- Meticulously processed 200+ air strike requests; verified critical msn info--weapons on-target for ground CCs

- Team lead for air plans database reconstruction; developed course of action--updated friendly order of battle

- Inputted 50+ ATO changes ISO UNIFIED RESPONSE; efforts provided aid to 3M earthquake victims in Haiti

- Disseminated 46 ATOs/323 msn chngs supporting AFSOUTH CNT ops--resulted to 27 arrests & 9 a/c seized

- Logged positional updates/flt followed 150 Haiti relief msns--17M lbs food/149K lbs med supplies delivered

- Coordinated w/10 LNOs; provided Senior Duty Officer timely updates--expedited decision making process

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