Fitness EPR Bullets

- Actively contributes as a Fitness PTL; administered 60 testing sessions: 96%+ wing currency rate; Wg is fit to fight
- Added Fitness Center walk-through to curriculum; increased troops fitness knowledge--Fit to Fight advocate
- Ambitious UFPM for 77 mbrs; led/admin'd 250 FAs; guided 3 mbrs to success after FA fail--solidified Sq's 97% pass rt
- Assisted in sq 1-day mass fitness test; ensured smooth testing of over 260 mbrs--verified "fit to fight" force
- Attained PTL certification; led wkly flt fitness sessions--guided/prepared 125 mbrs...pushed pass rate to 98%
- Authored 48hr PT plan; spearheaded 24 evals--set standard w/100% pass rate & over 90% average amongst 4 Airmen

- Cert d PTL; led 215 Sq prsnl in 6 PT sessions/21 prac phys tests--contributed to unit's 92% score avg/98% pass rate
- Cert'd PTL; led seven sessions/enhanced 49 mbrs fitness levels--achieved 92% pass rate/15 Wg, PACAF best
- Certified AF PTL; authored/employed stringent fitness sessions for 57-mbr flt--90% average/best rate in MXS
- Champion healthy lifestyle changes! Scored 95.4% on annual PFT--"Fit to Fight" example to 26 squadron Amn
- Compliance guru--reduced Fitness "Non-Currents" by >50% in minimal time ensuring AF Reserve "Fit to Fight"
- Constantly strives for top physical fitness; added 1.5 pts to annual PT score--maintained excellent score
- Constantly strives for top physical fitness; systematically scores 95+ on AFFA--sets the example for others to follow
- Created & implemented 13-step fitness program; 45 students increased AF fitness test scores by 5 point average
- Created post COVID Flt fitness pgm; mock tested 26 prsnl/created plan for 2/26 unsat mbrs--delivered 93% pass rate
- Crit alt UFPM; led 7 PTLs/coord'd 16 FAs/guided policy rewrite/crafted COAs f/AF-wide update--"Excellent" rt up 4%

- Dedicated PTL; organized flt's participation in six Fitness Center 5K runs--soared fitness test pass rates to 89%

- Embodied AF Chief of Staff's fitness policy; scored 95% on PT assessment--awarded 3-day pass from Sq CC
- Enabled 23 A-10C/4 EC-130 on time insps; comp'd/verified 150 avionics mx actions--slashed eval fails 12% wg wide
- Encouraged quality fitness stds; formed deployed fitness competition--30 amn lost collective 210 lbs/70 inches
- Enhanced physical fitness; participated base core/whole body workout classes--readied for upcoming PT test
- Ensures maximum Fitness Standards for 180+ across AMXS; >90% Sq pass rate--22% above AFRC average
- Epitome of military image; sets stds for others to follow--awarded "Nickel Sharp" award by AMU leadership
- Established strength/conditioning prgm; devoted 3hrs wk w/41 Amn--earned 99.2 FA score/100% flt pass rate

- Fit to fight! Drove sq team for 24 hr POW/MIA run; motivated/encouraged healthy lifestyle--92% PT test score
- Fit to Fight/Combat ready way of life; meticulously trained body--warranted "Excellent" rating on FA
- Fitness cell augmentee; directed 187 fitness evals/assessed and tracked 667 prsnl--saved KAB $54K annually
- Focused on all Airmens' success! Attacked PT failures, cut total UNSAT by >50%--Sq pass rate above 97%

- Headed UFPM position f/11 PTLs; directed 206 FA/PT sessions/policy rewrite--established 98% pass rate f/111 mbrs
- Health & Fitness Ambassador, completed AF PTL course; administered 140 AF fitness tests supported AF mission
- Highly motivated; created PT prog customized for 4 airman, raised PT scores an avg of 6%--sets new standard

- Improved personal fitness--excellent score on annual test; Sq PTL--helped train two members/both passed test
- Inspirational ldr; attained Physical Training Ldr cert; organized AMU PT sessions--unit pass rate climbed 12%

- Lead PTL f/23-mbr tm; held 1 mock test/4 PT sessions/rehab'd 10 struggling Amn--instilled physical resiliency pillar
- Lead PTL; coaches 15-mbr intramurals...sched games/tracked XX prsnl fitness tests/profiles--delivered #% pass rate
- Leads by example; coord 5K run, 6 mbrs; finished 4/100 runners--no PT fails in 70-mbr section...1st in 2 yrs!
- Led 52 PT sessions; tailored fitness plans for 6 prsnl--service mbrs physically conditioned for continued wartime msn spt
- Led by example; took time consistently for fitness and encouraged participation daily; promoted AF fitness standards
- Led flt physical trng prgm; developed/executed 100+ workout sessions--facilitated flt's 100% pass/22 excellent
- Led/assessed 12 prsnl as flt physical trng ldr; mentored Amn to exceed AF fitness stds--raised Sq pass rt 15%

- Managed div PT program; led 26 sessions/mentored 2 members to pass fitness test...100% div FA pass rate
- Managed Sq fitness prgm; redesigned exer routines/oversaw 10 trng ldrs/55 prsnl--impressive 100% pass rate
- Mng'd sect PTL prog; implemented ex routines/oversaw 2 PT ldrs/19 prsnl--maintained 100% pass rate w/ 80% excel
- Motivated four troubled Amn; devoted 31 personal hrs of PT as lead sq PTL--drastically lowered fails by 53%

- Organized flt mock pt test; administered fitness exam to seven peers--ensured fitness excellence/97.2% pass rt
- Organized off-duty running grp; inspired 20 Wg prsnl/led tm trng--built cohesived squad/completed a marathon
- Organized sqn UFPM pos; led 9 PTLs, directed 24 PT sessions/75 Amn--key to unit 100% pass/76% "Excellent" rate
- Over-hauled Sq PTL/UFPM prgm; trained 9 PTLs/implemented Sq PT stds--achieved 92% pass rate/FW #1 large Sq

- Performed daily upkeep cardio/weight equip; extended life span of 455 machines--$1.2M assets ready for use
- Personally Dedicated to Fitness; Achieved Thunderbolt level for comp. fitness excellence along with Esprit de Corps
- Pilot'd bi-weekly unit fitness program for 317; stellar 97% pass rate--62% "Excellent" BW's highest unit rating
- Promoted physical fitness; formulated distance running clinic--reverse neg trend/unit pass rate 97%/6% rise
- PTL B Certified! Led 12 PT sessions; coordinated sports days/high intensity workout--improved unit fitness/morale

- Reinforced AF fitness goals; instituted stringent Flt PT prgm--boosted pass rate to 99%...scored 97.9% on PFT
- Revamped MO's fitness prgm; led personalized trng/coord'd 100 assessments--key to unit 95% pass rate/#1Wg

- Sections Physical Training Leader; mentored/coached/2 struggling members--essential to 95% shop fitness pass rate
- Selfless dedication; promoted fitness within section led PT training/educating--increased fitness pass rate 12%
- Sets the bar in fitness requirements, achieved excellent rating on PT test,influences others in physical fitness methods
- Shaped Sq fitness prgm; led 76 workouts/personally trained 6 members to passing score--drove unit's 99% PT pass rte
- Sq SABC/CPR instructor; led tng f/53 pers/6 classes/prep'd 12 new PTLs--qual'd 33% of unit on life/limb saving skills
- Stepped out of comfort zone; led 12 Sq PT sessions/7 Amn--Sq pass rate 97%/flt 100%/20% redux in Sq fails
- Supported 16 special events & fitness competitions; delivered high quality events--over 3K in participants
- Supported base fitness policy; oversaw/monitor'd FA f/268 members; enforced AF "Fit to Fight" mission/saved $25K

- Took the "bull by the horns"; provided 21 hrs of physical trng as Squadron PTL--severely lowered fails >15%
- Top 5% out of 467 defenders fit to fight; lives and trains combat rdy lifestyle--rated 'Excellent' with 99.5% on AFFA
- True team player; provided fitness test monitoring for 14 Mission Support Group mbrs; ensured 100% pass rate

- UFPM/PTL; managed 18 PTLs --oversaw/administered 20 mock --contributed to 98% Wg/Sq pass rate
- Unit Fitness Prgm Mgr; scheduled XX mbr assessments; XX "Excellent" scores/zero fails--prep'd 100% ready force
- Upheld AF stds; led wg fitness assessment cell team/eval'd 382 mbrs--validated 31 FW's 45% excellent rating

- Volunteered as unit PTL; trained members--improved unit passing percentage by 8%
- Volunteered to be unit Physical Training Leader, leading by example, and earning a 99 on the fit to fight test

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