Honor Guard EPR Bullets

- Active mbr of Base Honor Guard; selected for 86 AW 9/11 retreat flag ceremony--honored our fallen heroes
- Appointed as MAFB HG Bugler; held first spot/two years--provided seven families w/time-honored military tradition
- AW Honor Guardsman OTY! Filled NCO pos 5 mos/250 hrs/45 details/trnd 60 pers--showcased AF heritage

- Base HG Assistant NCOIC; developed new detail training plan for new members--advocated AF heritage & traditions
- Base Honor Guard member; presented colors at 45 military funerals; rendered final honors for area veterans
- Base Honor Guard tm ldr; led 7 flag/colors ceremonies, 28 hrs...honored heritage & new promotees f/4 Sqs, 453 prsnl

- Committed to excellence; conducted weekly open ranks inspection; ensured proper wear of JBA HG uniform
- Community ambassador; vol d countless hrs as Superintendent of the XXXW BHG--fortified positive public image
- Completed 95 HG details/vol'd 285 hours; provided perfectly folded flag to next of kin--comforted bereaved families
- Conducted 9 veteran funerals/flag ceremonies; covered 3 states/1.8K mi traveled--advocated AF heritage & traditions
- Conducted X vet funerals/X short notice/X color ceremonies--113counties/4 states/XX miles covered 3rd qrtr
- Created first ever public Honor Guard webpage--allows info to be shared while decreasing effect on day to day ops

- Dedicated HG Ldr! Staffed 70+ Base Honor Guard missions; personified AF professionalism, excellence & respect
- Devoted 2 hrs during Memorial Service for fallen Amn; guided setup crews--Amn honored/AF tradition upheld
- Devoted 33 hrs off-duty for Quest Center concession booths--earned over $2k for Honor Guard Booster Club
- Devoted 8 off duty hrs to Northern Valley Honor Flt; escorted WWII vets to GF airport--honored 96 heroes

- Epitomized HG msn; showcased 20 Colors details/03 NCT--bolstered Beale AFB community rapport/Esprit de Corps
- Exceeded families' expectations; dedicated 165 hrs over 30 funeral details/ceremonies--proved crucial asset to HG tm
- Excellent Base Honor Guardsman; took part in 6 retiree funerals--honored sacrifice of fallen patriots/families
- Executed 6 Honor Guard ceremonies/48 hrs; cultivated warrior ethos/professional culture--coined 51 FW/CC

- Full time Honor Guard team member; selected Airman in Charge--led 25 teammates on 29 of 52 formal details
- Functioned as JBA HG Assistant NCOIC; Led 28 trngs/196hrs for 25 guardsmen--advocated AF heritage & tradition
- Functioned as NCOIC of HG ceremonies; earned qualifications four weeks ahead of peers--embodied AF core values
- Functioned in full-time base Honor Guard (HG); led 25 mbrs on 29 of 52 details as NCOIC--awarded AFAM

- Hand selected as HG trainer; devoted 70+ hrs/cultivated 25 member's skills--WG's HG Amn/Qtr, Jan-Apr '06
- Hand-picked f/ base Honor Guard; performed 24 details covering 4 states--embodied AF values/honored families/vets
- Hand-selected to attend formal HG continuation trng at Bolling AFB--improved personal/unit HG performance
- Honor Guard detail NCOIC--professionally led color guard during open house function--filled NCO billet
- Honored Mil children; led Honor Guard team/recognized 80 mbr s children--provided sense of pride in USAF

- Key pallbearer team member; accomplished carry/flag fold f/ AD funeral--afforded dignity to deceased Amn
- Key base Honor Guardsman; trn'd 28 mbrs/coord'd 12 events/funerals--devoted 250 hrs to upholding customs/courtesies

- Lead trainer for 18-mbr jt color guard team; directed 78 hrs jt drill trng doctrine, enabled 18 details--awarded JSAM
- Led 13 mbr front range HG team; responsible for AOR spanning 93K miles, 49 CO counties and 8 counties in KS
- Led 15-mbr HG tm during 30th Annl POW ride; posted colors/served on flag detail--honored heroes past & present
- Led 557WW Color Guard; facilitated 12 hrs trng for 6 mbrs--honored 3 retiring mbrs/mentored future AF ldrs
- Led eight firing-party details; safeguarded $13K in ceremonial rifles--fulfilled NFP duties/received zero insp findings
- Led flag detail; posted colors during National Prayer Breakfast--earned letter of appreciation from WG CC
- Led flt ops; oversaw four financial prgms/obligated $15M supplies/$105K equip--fortified svcs for 53K beneficiaries
- Led uniform inspections; QC'd/guided 30 pers/fixed missteps/integrated best practices--secured prestigious reputation
- Led Veteran s Day ceremony firing party; boosted AF/local relations--awarded tribute plaque from American Legion
- Led William Tell kick-off team; executed flawless William Tell kick-off color guard--enjoyed by 1K viewers

- Managed 9.1K man-days; secured 32 ARC posns/cut AD rqmt by 12 pers--enabled spt f/600 MFH/100% msn success
- Managed/safeguarded Honor Guard assets valued at over $200K; provided 100% eqmnt accountability w/o shortages

- Officiated defense ministry visits; directed 2x jt 8 man color tm--enhanced relations w/3 partner nations/CCDR Pri #1
- Op Yellow Ribbon team mbr; coord'd events/provided service for deployed prsnl--served 200+ Amn/families
- Organized coverage of dignified transfer/memorials; captured 90 images/honored fallen AF mbr--reached 2.2K
- Oversaw staffing for over 100 Joint Service CU/AF missions; participated in at least 30 funerals/Flag Folds/Events

- Participated in Pope Francis visit to WWI Military Cemetery; paid honor to fallen--enhanced Italy/US relations
- Peerless expertise! Mentored/trained newly selected HG superintendent; created smooth transition--zero lost MSNs
- Presided colors display f/COCOM CoC; joined 10 man tm f/600 attendance--dignified unit bearing to SECDEF/CJCS
- Primed 20 guardsman; instructed 87 hrs of drill/ceremony training--prepared Amn for msn success/supervisory roles
- Proudly performed in 37 funerals; perfect execution of ceremonial movements--military honors exemplified

- Render'd honors for POW/MIA ceremony; lauded fallen members for 100+ attendees--honored heroes past & present
- Rendered 10 military funeral honors; ensured proper dignity, honor, and respect given--eased hardship for loved ones
- Respectfully presented colors during WG CC promotion ceremony--earned letter of appreciation from General

- Selfless amn; Vol'd 20+ hrs f/ Base Honor Guard/execut'd 7 Color Post/4 CoC's/3 jnt svs--represented AF w/ dignity
- Served 2 months in base honor guard; 13 military funerals/5 color guard details--Amn honored/AF tradition upheld
- Served Aviano's Honor Guard; committed to 7 details/73 hrs--upheld AF tradition/supported vital 31 FW msn
- Served multiple tours on TAFB Honor Guard; four funerals & one retirement--paid respects to fellow warriors
- Spearheaded HG PTL program; created comprehensive workout plan for 24 guardsman--ensured flights' zero PT fails
- Superbly guided 10 honor guard members during 4 funeral ceremonies--honored fallen war heroes' sacrifices
- Superintendent of Base Honor Guard; effectively tripled the number of HG missions conducted between FY15 & 16

- Top-notch; performed flawlessly at nine ceremonies--represented TAFB at three funerals and four color guards
- Trained 2 jt mbrs; instructed 12 dual msn tasks/guided on the job trng, 176 hrs--increased production capability 50%
- Trained X prsnl; XX hrs/enforced excellence in uniform dress/appearance/trng/msn--upheld highest standards

- Vital base HG mbr; revamped training plan/created videos--slashed transition 21 vs 30 days/ensured highest stds met
- Vol'd four mo's to Nellis Honor Guard; performed 150 local ceremonies--strengthened AF visibility/traditions
- Vol'd f/base HG; hand-sel'd f/travel tm/aced 160 hrs trng/6 funerals/8 flag details--upheld highest AF tradition/honors
- Vol'd for dplyd base Honor Guard; committed 18 hrs/appt'd tm lead--completed 4 flawless details/recg'd by base CC
- Volunteered 60 hrs base Honor Guard; spt'd 3 CoC/2 awd ceremonies/7 patriot details--rendered AF tradition
- Volunteered for local Memorial day parade; selected as part of color guard--enhanced community support

- Wg HG flt ldr; led 21 details, trn'd 30 prsnl & mang'd 200 ceremonies--upheld AF tradition/supported vital 36 FW msn
- Wg Honor Guard mbr; performed 5 details/certified ceremonial guardsmen--time-honored traditions preserved
- Wg HG mbr; accomplished 4-wk trng/8hrs...mentored 3 mbrs on flag folding--observed ceremonial honors f/4 details

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