Instructor/ Trainer EPR Bullets

- Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate
- Acquired/configured 40 iPads; uploaded /tech data/modernized 4 crses--eliminated $15K/yr printing expenses
- Advanced ballistic msl course liaison; organized/attended 80 hr class--fused new knowledge w/msn trng prgm
- AF Trainers Course certified; updated shop trng pgrm/trn'd 141 core tasks--readied three Amn for deployment
- Amassed 98 TDY days; delivered Fitness Mobile trng crse to 4 MAJCOMs/7 bases--saved AF $260K in funds
- Analyzed Sq ancillary tng, tracked critical requirements for 173 prsnl--led to 98% tng currency Nov 15
- Analyzed/created 69 test questions IAW career field regulations--ensured validity/accuracy of course rewrite material
- AOB brd mbr/section rep; provided instr insight to ldrshp f/3 stdnts/retained 3--alleviated $230K trng investment loss
- Attended 8 hr EPR crse; mentored 19 NCOs on bullet writing & lvl of involvement--improved sections output
- Augmented Mil Trng Flt; led marching/out-processing/23 hrs/425 Amn--section earned "Excellent" insp rating

- Cert'd MHFA; facilitated 4 wg Peer to Peer tng/edu'd ACE concepts--refined resiliency tactics/120 stdnt ldrs/teal ropes
- Cmd'd >300 instructional hrs w/10 crs's; primed 32 AIT's/87% class avg--contributed to GWOT ops/54K base grads
- Comp'd qual; logged 6 rqmts/3 sem hr ed/testing--exceeded AETC stnd 8%/awd'd 2nd CCAF degree/lvl-I cert
- Complet'd 3 PDCs; fac'd 3 mtgs, utilized new mgt skills f/5 primary/alt duties--coord'd 2 branches to spt 2 at risk studs
- Completed 180 hrs AETC instr internship; earned 12 credits/2nd degree--msn ready 2 mos ahead of AETC std
- Completed Basic Instructors Course; 250-hrs knowledge pivotal to teaching skills--primed to fulfill DSD objectives
- Completed SNCO Jt PME; gained key insight on sister services--facilitated negotiation of Navy/Marine MOA
- Conducted 5 tech school study groups; led daily synopsis review--enabled 100% pass rate for 35 ATC students
- Conducted review of 42 trng records; ID'd/corrected 12 errors--provided facility mgr w/accurate trng picture
- Coord'd operating rm intubation technique trng rotation; enhanced dept capability 30%; honed critical msn skill
- Created/taught history lesson; detailed SOF capabilities utilized in the Battle of Mogadishu--42 mbrs educated
- Crs Director; steered 80 instruction hrs/4 labs/3 exams/38 students--awd'd 76 CCAF hrs & nat'l certs f/5 AFSCs

- Delivered 448 instructional hrs; graduated 32 stdnts/2 DGs/1 TG awds presented--zero failures/92% class avg
- Designed training program that improved skills of subordinate observation teams--33% increase in capabilities
- Dev'd & launch'd new crs flow; re-org's 275STS items/consolidat'd 2 blks--enhanced understand f/1K stdnts annually
- Developed CDC status chart--ensured all troops in UGT were ahead of schedule--99% pass rate on all EOC exams
- Devoted >400 podium hrs; instr'd five blocks/44 obj's-- dignified comments of "Outstanding" on EOC's/award'd lvl I
- Dir'd resource mgmt tng; incrs'd 32 mbrs risk mgmt/communication skills--key to gp safety std/zero class A/B mishaps
- Directed 2 Apprentice blocks; guided 8 instructors/oversaw 70 crs hrs/21 units/5 PCs/PTs--enabled 87% class avg
- Dynamic instructor; expertly synced 6 C-17 MTPs w/ 51 crs's--vital to 17.2K instructor quals/TSgt promotion spot on

- Earned trainer cert on 37 CFETP items; trained 4 ppl...90 hrs grp study/75 hrs sim trng--accelerated 4 pos certs
- Elect'd fuel custodian; maintain'd 4000 gal containment area--supplying fuel to $1.2 million of heavy equipment
- Established LRA tng; taught 4 psnl token processing procedures--enabled continuity & SIPRNet authentication
- Executed curriculum rewrite; identified 2K updates f/3 SG's/23 LP's/20 instr pwr pts--prep'd f/FY22 nat'l cert mandate
- Executed online instruction f/COVID-19; collaborated live lectures f/18 objectives--secured Wg/CC's #1 top priority
- Exhilarated 11 unthriving stdnt's; prov'd counseling/mentored/set-up test taking & study crs--averted $500K trng loss
- Expertly taught helo mx crse; 1320 hrs/28 stdnts/9 partner nations--96% class avg/key to Academy's 900 grads

- Facilitated learning; developed/revised 4 PowerPoint system trng presentations--7 peers gained greater sys knowlege
- FOIA/PII innovator! Train'd ESFS/S5 mbr on assessments; increased knowledge IAW w/AFCENT guidance
- Force Multiplier! instr'd wg-lvl AF tng crs, streamlined documentation process--9 crs/72 hrs/98 supv
- Force multiplier; trn'd 10 crew chiefs on aerial refuel light sys--25% cross-utilization trn'd/unit quals up >30%
- Fuel'd 4E U&TW/1st in 5 yrs; guid'd 12 MFMs/40 mbrs, val'd CFETP rqmnts w/AETC--377 tasks updat'd f/1.2K Amn
- Fulfilled 9 Multiple Instr Rqmts; administered 85 progress checks/110 Amn--prevented academic deficiencies
- Fulfilled Multiple Instr Rqmts; examined 242 stdnts/performed 49 progress checks--avoided academic waivers
- Fulfilled short notice task during Ex; provided 40 injects/trained 180 Jt prsnl--solidified BDA implementation

- Grad'd 2 classes/36 stdnts; instr'd 109 STS line items/400+ hrs--developed future 3M0 professionals, msn rdy
- Guided 10 hrs tutor sessions w/six Amn; sharpened study skills--ensured 100% comprehension/scores up 25%

- Implemented a phase training program; reduced training time of newly assigned personnel by 1 year--saved $14,000
- Instr'd 8 Fitness Specialist classes; trn'd & certified 92 stdnts/640 teaching hrs--awarded 368 college credit hrs
- Instr'd ASAB/AMAB Rock U crses; taught Resiliency/Followership/Bullet Writing--enriched 108 pers careers
- Instructed 2 production tm mx crs's; trnd 12 Amn launch/recovery/372 tasks--enabled 547 mx acts/spt'd 49 tac tng msns
- Instructed 3-lvl crse; 10 classes/150 stdnts/1.6K+ hrs logged--supplied 6 MAJCOMs/met AF end-strength goal
- Instructed 306 AFTC hrs; equipped 18 AFSCs/51 trainers/19 certifiers--expanded amn/max'd msn capabilities
- Instructed 4 AF trng courses; qual'd 15 trainers/streamlined documentation process--incr'd Sq trng capability by 10%
- Instructed four missile mx crses; 16 students grad'd/152 crs hrs/16 credits awd'd--quaified for CCAF instr cert level III
- Instructed launch/recovery procedures; trained 8 newly assigned Amn--increased unit's task certification 10%
- Instructed Services 3-level crse; trn'd 500 hrs/mentored 92 Amn--awarded 1.2K CCAF sem hours/1 DG/1 TG
- Involved, instructed 103 personnel in SABC, enabling 50% of deployers to prepare for upcoming deployment

- Launch'd Gp Resilience trainer crs; coor'd 12 lessons/9 instrs/4 MRTs--groom'd 10 mbrs to adopt/teach CAF principles
- Lead JICC trainer; earned third certification, excelled w/98% test avg--one of only four triple-qualified in unit
- Led 2 Propulsion crs's; qualified 16 mbrs on 38 sys/3.8K tasks--facilitated 1.1K mx acts/spt'd 6 SAAM/2 Channel msns
- Led 36 TOP III dvlpmt crses/2 AORs; instr'd 6 diverse crses--dvlpd stable career structure f/38 JASDF/438 pers
- Led Wg Resiliency tm/238 pers; instr'd 162 hrs/9 FTAC crses/11 CC calls/trnd 2K pers--lived CMSAF's #1 Pri
- Logged 1K instructional hrs w/2 crses; mentored/guided 600+ 3/5 level stdnts--supplied Amn for 6 MAJCOMs

- Managed SDAP prgm; facilitated trng/compiled results--eight Amn qualified/ready for world-wide deployment
- Managed sq UGT prgm; provided oversight for mbrs in trng/60 upgraded; delivered deployment ready medics
- Managed Sq's $120K budget; procured trng equip/materials worth $60K--modernized 18 crses/zero deviations
- Managed training for 2 apprentice controllers; taught 310 CFETP items/40 hrs sim trng--reduced trng time 20%
- Manag'd flt trng/54 prsnl; maintained 98% UTE rt--crucial Gp achiev'd 99% sched effective rt <2% overdue/1st ever
- Mng'd $500K; inventoried 1K+ items/corrected 80 errors maintaining 100% accountability without trng deviations
- Monitored ancillary/TBA/IMDS training; scheduled 90+ personnel mandatory training--key to mission continuation
- Mx tng grad manager; coord'd 36 events w/ 4 sqs/setup Gp/CC's strategic vision dlvry--dvlpd 167 students w/ gp insight

- Organized 80 hrs OJT hrs/72 mbrs; 100% cmbt msn ready--all deployed/supported 72K OEF/HOA cmbt msns
- Overhauled trng prgm; revised job qual standard/unit now compliant w/new AFI--reduced AOR turnover 25%
- Oversaw ICT trng; aided development/planning of 1st in-unit Ex--honed wartime capes of 37 future deployers

- People 1st mentality; taught bullet writing crse f/5 Sqs/452 pers/penned 32 winning pkgs--won 8 Cmd lvl awds
- Prep'd mx tng facility tour; highlighted C-17 tng devices/instructor capes--dlvrd sq's msn impact/Gp/CC hailed efforts
- Provided 12 hrs addt'l assistance; guided study sessions/10 stdnts--20% test score increase w/100% grad rate
- Provided 12 hrs assistance to 6 Amn; increased study skills--ensured 100% comprehension/on time graduation
- Provided 26 officers and SNCOs convoy training prior to short-notice deployment--ensured safety, mission success
- Provided 6 hours of flight instruction; qualified 32 people on respiratory protection/QNFT--vital to AEF training
- Provided Special Individual Assistance; tutored 23 Amn/enhanced learning abilities--ensured 96% passing rate

- Regulated 4 hr pulmonary eqpmt trng; coordinated SME/trnd 16 4Hs; ensured staff orientation/task competency
- Revamped training program; conducted 29+ weekly personnel records reviews--identified/corrected 15 errors
- Reviewed 37 tower references; removed 63 outdated pubs/CBTs from circulation--enhanced trng prgm quality

- Scrutinized stu study guide; identified/corrected 20+ errors--critical to crs rewrite/ensured accuracy f/110 stus
- SME f/2T031 course rewrite; liaised w/CFM/HAF, dev'd operational/strategic rqmts--shaped learning f/3.1K Amn
- Solely trained 45 ISR Div prsnl; conducted 120 hrs comprehensive OJT--ensured warfighters cmbt msn ready
- Spearheaded trng pgm; 4 prsnl cert'd shift supervis/12 rcrd's standardized/revised UTP--100% AF compliance
- Supervised/trained 13 AFRC mx techs; executed >40 core tasks--integrated 29 AD with 236 AFRC mx techs

- Tackled highest mx fail area; led 2 Forms Doc crs's/instructed 21 Amn tech data rqmt--improved pass rt 20.1% gp-wide
- Targeted block w/high test failure rt; analyz'd trends/isolated 3 improvement areas--optimized test rvw/pass rt up 32%
- Taught 710 crse hrs; mentored 117 Amn--awarded 3 DGs/3 TGs/1521 CCAF semester hrs for 3-lvl completion
- Technical expert; mentored 4 Amn thru CDC's/qual'd 70 core tasks--upgraded on time w/83% avg EOC Score
- Test agent f/ 3 wgs; proctored 118 exams f/ 57 mbrs--assured SCR msn crit capes f/ 2A fields/spt'd KC-10 & C-17 ops
- Tm'd w/ tng mgmt; tracked 21 instrs/5 tng devices UTE/sent 11 Cmd reports--crit to 16 QTP/7 AETC crs's/jt base capes
- Top grad Global C2 Sys trng; mastered challenging curriculum/100% on all tests--now unit top data link trainer
- Trained 3 AMN on supply discipline; turned in 27 DIFM assets--contributed AF reclaiming 2.6M in parts cost
- Trained four personnel on baggage X-ray equipemt servicing--increased uptime, reduced passenger delays
- Trained six specialists on aircraft serving procedures--elevated section's ground handling qualifications >25%
- Trn'd 64 stdnts; delivered 1034 hrs of instruction in 24 classes--awarded 108 sem hrs--supplied 6 MAJCOMs
- Trusted NCO; managed/maintained critical tech trng eqpmt/$1.4M in value--ensured 100% asset accountability

- Validated 3-lvl curriculum; QC'd 3yr rewrite/23 instruction hrs/13 lessons/ID'd errors--enhanced trng f/480 students/yr
- Vital cont' for aircrew tng amidst wpn sys change; monitored grnd/flying tng events for 64 mbrs--cbt msn ready
- Vol'd to cover 20 sq/BID missions/taskings; reduc'd unit shortfalls by 33%--selflessness key to AE/AFRC Enterprise

- Wg CAA delegate; taught 3 Mobility Plans/Execution crs s--raised AEF concept awareness for 125 base NCOs

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