Phase Maintenance EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Documents all mx actions, tracks discrepancy repair status/orders parts utilizing Integrated Maintenance Data System


- #1/193 Sq Amn; BTZ winner, led tms, 22 acft phases/10K tasks--drove 9.5K FHP/Gp USAFE Daedalian awd

- Aided 2 accessory drive gearbox TCTO's; task/ops checks completed in <2 days--reduced downtime by 48 hrs
- Aided completion of 18 acft phase insps; returned 7K hrs to FHP--supt'd wg's 6.3K sorties/8.5K flt hrs FY '13
- Assisted last look acft gen insp; key to 24/28 acft acceptance--ensured FW "Excellent" rating PACAF '13 CUI
- Assisted last look gen; keyed 24/28 acft acceptance--ensured FW "Excellent" PACAF '13 Combined Unit Insp
- Assisted w/6-yr gear TCTO; removed/replaced 90+ components/w ops ck's--completed in 38 hrs/ten hrs early

- Boosted TCTO tasking; removed/installed 8 flap attach points for inspection--prevented wing spar degradation

- Co-authored emergency plan; designated 2 SIP sites--safety provided to 76 prsnl/reduced evacuation time 50%
- Completed 22 scheduled phase insp's; returned 7K hrs to FHP--key to 8FW 6.3K sorties/8.5K hrs flown FY13
- Crash Recovery Team Chief; spearheaded CDDAR team training; increased MXG crash response readiness by 20%
- Critical to accessory drive gearbox TCTO team; compl'd in 2 vs 3 day std--maint'd zero impact to phase flow
- Critical to accessory drive gearbox TCTO team; completed in 2 vs 3 day std--acft insp completed 2 days early

- Dedicated PTL; pushed 20 Amn thru 31 MXS/CC's PT prgm--upped Sq's pass rt to 98.1%/bested Wg's 97% rt
- Detailed insp technique; 100% on 6 quality asssurance insp--conducive to section's outstanding 90% pass rate
- Detected crack on hydraulic pump clamp; replaced clamp--prevented catastrophic separation of $26K AF asset
- Diagnosed faulty arresting hook system; isolated/replaced leaking actuator--acft phase completed 2 days early
- Discovered contaminated JFS filter; id'd/replaced degraded hydro start motor--prevented damage to $50K JFS
- Discovered four engine starting system fuel lines leaking; replaced critical components--prevented aircraft fire
- Discovered JFS/brake filter contamination; isolated/replaced hydraulic motor--prevented damage to $50K JFS
- Discovered overserviced EPU; drained/serviced to correct lvl--prevented component rupture/Class-A mishap
- Drove 6-year time change; replaced <3 days/5-day std--99% MSE rt/95% std/2.7% rep/rec, "lowest Blk 40 rt"

- Facilitated 173rd Airborne Brigade tng; launched/recovered 3 C-130 acft--1.3K infantry paratroopers certified
- Fiscal steward, ID'd 52LRS eqpmt acct fault/$50K item returned to owning unit--closed lost asset investigation

- Hand selected SF augmentee; perfect guard duties executed--ensured 8FW "Excellent" rating PACAF CUI '13
- Helped flightline troubleshoot LEF annomily; found faulty switch/repaired--returned acft to FMC w/in 3 hours

- Id'd cracked heat shield during bay insp; coord'd fix w/backshop--averted catastrophic ingestion on $3M asset
- Id'd cracked heat shield during bay insp; coord'd fix w/backshop--preserved bay integrity/zero disc on bay QVI
- Id'd cracked heat shield during engine bay insp; coord'd fix w/backshop--bay integrity intact/$3M asset spared
- Id'd defective main landing gear torque collar; repaired/returned acft to FMC--avoided catastrophic sys failure
- ID'd faulty stab bearing rem kits; 2 of 2 overhauled/returned/saved $3.5K--thwarted critical mx asset shortage
- Id'd hydraulic system leak; removed/rpr'd faulty B system pump elbow fitting--averted damage to $26K pump
- Id'd incorrect install of NLG dragbrace lock tab; installed/ops checked tab--averted catastrophic gear failure
- Id'd missing nutplate in power drive unit bay; recovered F.O.--prevented flight control failure/in-flight mishap
- Id'd/replaced chafed hydraulic line; prevented catastrophic hydro failure--named 8 MXS MX Pro of the 2Q 13
- Identified/repaired JFS oil leak on engine run; isolated to pinched seal--prevented catastrophic component fail
- Innovator, initiated AFSO21 event; restructured phase insp zones--20 on-time insps/86% MC rt "best in CAF"
- Insp 47 tool kits; updated MIL listings/adj layout for efficiency--svd $1K/100% pass rt 3rd qtr/MXG 95% '14
- Inspected 300 acft work card items; id'd/repaired 40 discrepencies--attained 100% QA pass rate on key areas
- Inspected 300+ phase work card items; id'd/repaired 40+ discrepancies--key to 22 acft on-time return to FHP
- Integral to Flaperon mount TCTO; assisted with removal/inspection/installation--guaranteed 8 FW compliance
- Isolated/repaired landing gear retract failure; replaced faulty actuator--ensured a/c flew code "1" next 5 flights

- Led 10 egress jobs; insp/repaired canopy/R2 rivets/installed patch/applied coating/seat--saved $950K/ensured pilot SoF
- Led fltln mx/1.2K tasks; spt'd 3 AMUs/fielded seized fasteners/R2'd rivets/standoffs--contributed xxK srts/xx.xK flt hrs
- Led replacement of dented horizontal stabilizer endcap; completed in <3 hrs--ensured minimum acft down time
- Located five cracks on engine run screen; directed repair of defective areas--prevented foreign object ingestion

- OEF/OIR deployer; shift lead in phase dock-- pivotal to on time delivery of 12 combat acft inspections

- Piloted 11 wg spar TCTOs; R2'd flaperons & mounts/coord mx repair--prevented $20M wg replacement costs
- Pinpointed new Integrated Servo Actuator failure; R2'd/ops checked/PQDR'd--saved Wg $36K in wasted parts

- Received personal eval during '13 CUI insp; 0 defects noted by inspectors--key to section "Satisfactory" rating
- Recovered missing generator hardware; averted 72hr a/c impound--no phase delay/on-time delivery ensured
- Responded to 9 F-16 IFEs; recovered 4 off runway <14 min avg--prevented acft divert, safed dangerous events
- Retrieved cockpit bezel light; negated acft impound/ejection sys failure--averted 20+ NMC hrs/loss of aircrew
- Revitalized acft coating system; performed 30 RAM repairs/2K mx actions--extended corrosion serviceability 15 years

- Seasoned Amn; led two 6-yr landing gear mx, passed both post install QVI's--perpetuated flt's 100% on time rt
- Skillfully accurate; installed 8 ISA beam wear washers w/in precision tolerances--safe guarded $8.8K critical flt control
- Superior mx technician; inspected on 11 zones--flawless results, cemented 93% QA pass rt/10 acft QVI's ZD
- Supervised 8 GDGB/Spar insp's; ID'd 11 defects/repaired damage/applied coatings--averted wing change/salvaged $3M
- Supported 51 fuselage skin TCTOs; assisted insp/coord'd w/NDI/R2'd corrosion coatings--98% fleet c/w/FoQ 2nd Qtr
- Supported EUCOM ATO; assisted generation/12 acft /NATO Jt msn--200 prsnl deployed <72 hrs/255 sorties

- Team member on 18 phase insp's; returned 7K hrs to FHP--key to 8FW's 6.3K sorties/8.5K hrs flown FY '13
- Tiger team selectee; id'd 85 disc prior to QA--24 of 28 acft accepted/8FW "Excellent" rating PACAF '13 CUI
- Trusted Amn; first 31 FW face to DV, liaised w/DnyCorp mx field team, C-20/G3 acft--NATO Jt ops success

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