Readiness EPR Bullets

- 51 FW lead for civ evacuation ops, NEO; led 140 Amn/briefed 28 ldrshp tms--Wing primed to evac 2.4K US citizens

- Admin'd mass inoculation Ex; sched d 71 personnel/reached 94.8% unit currency rate--bested Wing's 86.7% response
- Aided FY17 FHP 1st Look; supplied personnel capes/ensur'd mx/ops trng rqmts match--secur'd $133M FHP approval
- Attended HHQ level SORTS class; vital to XX FW's cmbt readiness--assured ACC reports met 100% accuracy
- Augmented manning shortfall; launched XX msns/XX cgo tons ISO Op CRESENT REACH--solidified mx 100% DRR
- Authored ART/AF-IT/DRRS reports; relay'd vital mission capes to HQAF--exceed'd AF 97% on time reporting goal

- Briefed 50 deployers; est'd readiness timeline/coord'd 150 appts w/ base agencies--delivered MISCAP Amn to CCDR
- Briefed ldrshp on weekly readiness status; tracked 21 UTCs/372 mobility positions--enabled Spec Ops support

- Championed shop reorganization; streamlined 27 workcenter & processes--slashed man hrs/QA findings 60% <5 mos
- Championed wg readiness prgm; instructed 5 crses/60 tm mbrs qual'd--cultivated 26 warfighters f/3 CENTCOM Ops
- Completed development of 3-ship CV-22 UTC; corrected 100+ LOGMOD equip reqmts--HAF approved UTC
- Completed Pilot Unit UTC Review; validating manpower and logistic support requirements to NGB readiness function
- Completed SORTS Data Handler class; ID'd/fixed unit's manning changes--zero reporting discrepancies FY13
- Controlled 436 mobility files; corrected 377 documents discrepancies--ensured on-time deployment of 58 mbrs
- Coor'd 352 SOG CV-22/MC-130J exercise; deployed 68 pers/70K lbs cargo--solidified gp's cmbt capability
- Coord'd 2 wk TSP pen-wide logistics; enabled ### briefs/5 installations/## units--### mbrs financial futures secured
- Coord'd annual dental exams; 331 Amn informed of readiness rqmt--ensured 100% MXS mobility effectiveness
- Coordinated 3 unsched aerovac flights--ensured OIF/OEF wounded warriors recieve timely critical care
- Coordinated 552FW surge trng; scheduled 402 deployment related events--140 MXS mbrs prepped to rapidly deploy
- Coordinated and maintained TMDE readiness; ensured unit CBRN equipment was 100% combat capable at all times
- Coordinated mobility requirements for 9 movements encompassing 267 personnel (65% of managed force) w/o fail
- Coordinated w/XXX SFS & XP; secured XXX CATM/CBRN slots in advance--primed & accelerated unit msn readiness

- Deployed three personnel for short-notice AEF taskings; spun up in 3 days--zero outprocessing discrepancies
- Dev'd dplymnt procedures; distributed 3K critical assets/$260K <48-hrs--mobilized 3K+ pers/four deployed sites/11 msn
- Developed EFAC ops plan f/new location; trn'd 11 multi-agency tm's--installation readied f/catastrophic emergencies
- Developed mobility equipment/personnel tracking prgm--ensured 100% accountability of deployed personnel
- Devoted 65 hr; mng'd seven sentries/work-site EAL--aided $8.6M ramp upgrade/ensured security for $8.6B B-1 fleet
- Dir'd $2M OCO acct; eval'd $350K AEF assets/procur'd $275K HST eqpt--rdy'd 217 mbrs f/war, nail'd #1 AF priority
- Directed CWDE shelf-life; extended 268 authorizations/189 expired assets disposed--avoided replacement costs/$16K
- Directed IPE bag inspection process; deployed 1K OEF/OND/TSP passengers & issued 2.2K bags--msn accomplished!
- Dissected 55 mobility folders; corrected 61 discrepancies; ORI deployers processed with no folder errors
- Drove mobility folder rvw process; updated 1K rcds/16.6K readiness requirements--compliance soared 35% >2 mos
- Drove OJT; mng'd 7 evals/id'd 31 discrepancies/tracked metrics/elim'd trends--enabled 3.5K flt hrs/$2M ACC prgm

- Efficient leader; reengineered isolated prsnl recovery info process--solidified Sq compliance to 100% current
- Eliminated 738 mob folder discp, zero deployment processing discp--establish'd working grp/new Wing PDF process
- Enabled AEF trng; scheduled 150+ classes for AEF cycle--159 mbrs fully qualified 2 weeks prior to departure
- Enabled hi-vis wg taskers; equipped warfighters to State Capitol/DC aggression/readied 127 mbrs--poised for surge ops
- Engr'd pax O2 re-config; dev'd blueprint f/4.3K-items/$1.95M mod--delivered crit O2 control & dispersal measures
- Ensured accuracy of 850 AEFIs/61 AFSCs; 100% mil postured for OCO requirements--bested HAF standard of 90%
- Exceeded AF 97% on time reporting goal with 100% currency rate employing ART, DRRS, and AF-IT programs
- Excellent prog manager; rec'd minimal discp on deployment SAV--enabled 297t cargo movement w/zero frustrations
- Executed 5 UTC capes coordinated/tracked 100 mandatory rqmts--guaranteed enablers qualified/deployment rdy
- Executed hi-vis REDHORSE spt tasking; short notice tasking process'd in <3 wks--fortified joint military partnership
- Executed short notice tasker/prep'd 17 pers; evac'd 35K lbs equip for high winds--secured $1.2B unit's assets
- Expedited ILS-S Put-away dashboard records; cleared 2K transactions/$148K--solved seven-mo backlog/MICAS errors
- Expertly prep'd pax for 6 dplymts/4 nations; coord trng w/ 3 COCOMs--guaranteed 16 billet req--zero discrepancies

- Facilitated CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 major areas of improvement to MXG/CC--validated Wg Crash Recovery procedures
- Filled MSgt billet; UDM resp f/$45k assets/50 pers--deployed 4 mbrs/IGI 16-01 success w/458 pax & 523 tons/cargo
- Force multiplier--guided move of 60 AGE pieces between classified sites; superb fwd deployment of MH-53
- Formulated exer setup/reconstitution pln; coord'd camp pwr distribution w/5AFSCs--permitted cert of 34 prsnl
- Fueled HAF Readiness exer; coord'd 72 taskings/216 trng rqmnts/355 updates--prepared 64 dplyrs f/PACAF mobility

- Governed Sq ASIMS/IMR prgm; tracked profiles/DHA/vaccines--maint'd & bested AF goal 8% avg/readi'd 146 mbrs
- Guided 132 personnel deployments; tracked 1K CBTs/produced $132K in equipment--zero AOR discrepancies
- Guided construction of comprehensive emergency response plan for 1XXXX; stellar plan ready when needed
- Guided equip prep tm/10 mbrs; expedited spt/6 AE acft/5M lbs cgo--aided HA/DR/Hurricane Harvey--50K survivors

- Hand-picked by AFRC/A1RY for committee to create svs ARTS tool kits; streamlined processes--continuity ensured
- Handled 210K mobility assets; provided supply spt to 700+ pers/16 JSTARS acft/$5.9B--key to wg winning AFOUA '20

- Identified 2 maj sec deficiencies; re-established sqd OPSEC & ATR prgms--safeguard'd $21M CAPP cmbt ex arsenal
- Identified JSMLT rqmts; noted M50 deficiency/restored 127 assets <48-hrs--outfitted 1K warriors/ORA "Excellent" rate
- Increased warfighter capes; 330 personnel/6 a/c ATO rdy--enabled 1st ever PACOM B-1/B2/B-52 joint BAAD msns

- Led 12 NCOs/Amn across 3 shifts/24hr ops; executed config stds/13K life saving equip--ensured 1K flt hrs/238 msns
- Led bilateral deployment task; processed 10 pers/6.3K lbs cargo--sharpened Greek/SOG SOF interoperability
- Led short-notice POTUS support msn; deployed 7-mbr MFST <48 hrs/$178K WRM pkg--tm lauded by White House
- Led sq increment monitor trng; ensured pers task-ready--20 increments marshaled/no defects LOGEX Nov '13
- Led strat planning w/5 UDMs; est'd pre-deployment req's/val'd $650k/34 pax scheduled; drove unit combat readiness
- Led the wing in understanding ART, DRRS, and AFIT programs; assisted NGB with the UDM training of AFIT

- Maintained accuracy of complex readiness data using series of databases--tracked 42 UTCs and 410 mobility positions
- Managed $30K IT equipment account; ensured serviceable equipment --zero discrepancies during Annual Inspection
- Mng'd $2.6M in supply/mobility equip; aligned 119 Defenders to AEF bundles--ensured OCO readiness/COCOM spt
- Mng'd DRRS/AF-IT/ART prgm; org'd trng items/217 mil, rpt'd to HAF/JCS/AEF ctr--smash'd ACC 24-hr rqmt, 100%
- Mng'd MTFs RSVP pgm; briefed 128 AFSC leads on trng status/11K items--gp currency rte 96%/16% above AF std
- Mng'd semi-annual inventory; insp'd/QC'd 1.3K SA/LW <24 hrs/beat 15-day stnd--100% asset ctrl/eight mbrs cmbt-rdy
- Mobilized 175 pers; spt'd 15 real world taskings--vital to '13 AFSOC Meritorious Unit Award--promote now!
- Mobilized 411 personnel/129 short tons during period--integral to success of four AEFs/six ONEs/15 TDYs
- Modernized unit caps; liais'd w/2 sqs/facilitat'd $1.4M eqpt transfer--amp'd engr TTPs/lethality/24-hr response ability

- Orchestrated 2x AG DEPLOYEX; propelled XX UTCs/XX prsnl w/0 discrepancies--key to Gp 5th AFOUA/Sq OT4Q
- Orchestrated amazing mobility machine; processed 37 maintainers/82 cargo increments--zero discrepancies
- Org'd 4x NEO global tracking system trainings; instructed/certified 46 prsnl--reached 100% NCE accountability/3 hrs
- Organized/engaged 136 tons cargo/16 pax processed; spt'd four OREs--fortified Wg 2.8K sorties/5.5K fly hrs
- Overhauled local MANFOR doc; revamped pers data info--met 352 SOG req/sped up processing time by 15%
- Overhauled Sq COMSEC prgm; liaised w/ 355 IAO--ensured 100% cryptographic accountability/zero SAV findings
- Overhauled vehicle prgm; coord'd UDI spt/42 vehs for 3 DV visits/enhanced response capes 35%--safed $36M assets
- Oversaw IPE overdue CWDE prgm; verified docs/cleared 118 pers--preserved 100% accuracy/zero losses/ROS averted
- Oversaw RF 16-2 Ex; mng'd 100 mbrs/467 pc equip--ensured UEI "OUTSTANDING" Executing Msn, AFGSC 1st!

- Phenomenal IPE line; processed 154 C-1 Bags/prsnl w/in 1hr despite MICAS migration--46 sec avg line time
- Piloted PACAF's largest med SORTS/ART pgm; prepped JCS msn capes rpt/stats up 78-90%--362 prsnl combat rdy
- Powered Cmd's largest mobility platform; deployed 20 prsnl/$4K in equip/4 AORs--tm rendered care for 20.4K PAR
- Pre-screened medical readiness for every ORI processor; identified and coordinated fix of 28 discrepancies
- Prepped 4 medics for Nepal relief efforts; tm departed w/in 24 hrs/$307K in WRM--provided stability for 27.5M pop
- Primary DTS Reviewing Official; initiated/process'd 53 travel vouchers--val'd $60K in claims/eased fiscal constraints
- Processed 348 Red Horse deployers; isu'd 2K IPE assets/$2.7M error free--ensured deployers combat readied
- Processed hi-vis tasking ISO US ODR Pakistan; verified/coordinated deplymt rqmts--fortified jt mil int'l partnership
- Produced monthly readiness reports; submitted accurate/on-time in ART/DRRS--accurate site pic/health of unit
- Provide timely, consistent monthly readiness reporting for higher headquarters; depicting precise mission statistics

- Readied/deployed 42 pers; delivered 6,350 days spting OEF/OND/HOA ops--reinforced C2 for 287 cbt msns
- Reinvigorated tng prgm; designed shop SOP/supervised 7 prgms/ID'd 12 errors/fixed 11--corrected ACC UEI findings
- Revamp'd sq LOG prgm; penn'd 1st ever CDF chklst/rolling-stock SOP--enabl'd rapid mobilization f/hvy const UTCs

- Scrupulously coord'd with supervision--identified manning variations and ensured uniformity of all requirements
- Secured UHM trng; new medical scheduling mastered--obtained 100% DRHA compliance/MXG high; beat BW 91%
- Sel'd as SABC Pgm Mgr/qualified w/in 10 days; trained 30 Amn f/ 2 MAJCOMs--enabled 14 PCS's/16 Deployments
- Selected as UDM by sr ldrs; mng'd /47 dply'd engrs/4 reclamas w/<1% discrep rate--spt'd CCDRs/2 AORs & 5 locations
- Skillfully executed Sq UDM duties; processed 325 personnel in/out of AOR--sustained OEF/OND msn rqmt's
- Skillfully managed UDM pgm; garnered XX% on IG eval...benchmarked new Gp stds--lauded by IG as #1 UDM pgm
- Skillfully tracked 41 UTCs/410 mobility positions and deployment folders enabling MXG/CC's sight picture statistic
- Spearheaded annual AFDF review; identified 2K line items...XX% accurate--guaranteed XXX Airman downrange ready
- Stepped up in absence of NCOIC/led 4 Amn/org'd 506 insps/quality controlled 325 assets--bolstered safety/44 pilots
- Strategic resource mngr; secured $1.5K f/ upgraded equip/tools; advanc'd 3 wrkctrs/spt'd Dual-MAJCOM trng sorties
- Streamlined AFDF prgm f/217 mil; revis'd format/accelerat'd IPR process--adopt'd by IDO/set pace f/MAFB final-out
- Streamlined government passport process; ensured availability of personnel for short-notice classified taskings
- Strong UDM--processed 50 pers to 10 worldwide locations--prepared/equipped in support of critical ops
- Submitted stellar board package; competitively selected by MAJCOM 3F1 for the FY20 Key Personnel List for FSS

- Tackled individual mobility readiness (IMR); constructed database--increased sq IMR rate from 72% to 93%
- Tackled priority wpns inventory; 541 items worth $411K/100% asset accountability--beat 100 LRS suspense
- Tm leader for MARE; assessed 377 ABW and 58/150 SOW response--validated installation crash response capabilities
- Tracked 42 UTCs/483 mobility rqmts; cleared MXG/CC's sight picture for HHQ brief--enabled PACOM CBP supt
- Tracked 60 UTCs/373 mobility positions; provided CC up-to-date readiness status--enabled GWOT support
- Trained 4 Amn on AFDF review; discovered 2K discrepancies--brought 450+ folders to new AFI std in 5 days
- Trnd/cert d 5 psnl w/ survival radio procedures; strengthened shop caps/83%--guaranteed CSAR comms f/ 44 aircrew

- Vetted & restructured sq mob folder database; ID'd ~60 errors of mandatory items--secured 100% reqs for alert status

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