Specialist Section Chief

- 31 MXG Innovations POC; captured/reviewed/edited 8 entries--30 Wg submissions/svd $119K/8.5K man-hrs

- AMXS lead on urgent off-site Depot vault repair; set-up interim ops for a/c parts--$10M vital assets secured
- Aided support section move to F/L during construction; 1.8K tools < 7 days--6 mos saving: 3K man hrs/$60K
- Attacked HHQ alert tasking; steered 35 muns/25 Amn to succession--gen'd 5 cmbt-rdy acft/on-status <10 hrs
- Attacked flt's QA fail rt/reemphasized mx discipline; raised flt's QA pass rt from 83% Feb '12 to 93% Mar '12
- Authored/executed SXR pod mx plan; returned 5 pods to svc w/in 12 days--restored cmbt capes/100% FMC

- Built 13-prsnl acft overhaul tm; mngd 4 crews/5 acft--facillitated 100% depot repair on-time release schedule
- Built Combat Shield team; 23/24 a/c, all ECM pods tested--0 sorties lost, 68% pass rt/USAFE's best for F-16s
- Built weekly schedule; cross-utilized AFSCs and alligned shift hours--increased technician availability 25%

- CC's 1st choice as temporay 1st Sgt; directed 427 Amn/initiated 2 emerg leaves--upheld good order/discipline
- Championed Dec/Feb FW surges; led 46 prsnl/100 quick response repairs--457 sorties/363 hrs/92% MC rate
- Combat manager! Fiat cell boss for Aviano's first-ever combined Phase I & II Ex--vital to 18/18 a/c in 30 hrs
- Crushed AFRICOM tasking; gen'd 14 acft w/ combat-loaded pods < 40 hrs--readied Embassy attack response

- Deployed 23 specialists/spt'd OP INHERENT RESOLVE; permitted 190 cmbt sorties--sealed 84.1% MC rate
- Deployed NATO Op RESOLUTE SPT; 1st ATO msn w/in 24 hrs--100% rel rt/99 GBUs/8 LMAVs/86 EKIA
- Developed tm skillset; 1.5K mx actions performed--bolstered Wg achieving 10/10 CAF mx indicators, Dec '14
- Directed vital avionics sys software upgrade; 26 acft loaded in 2 wks--postured FW to respond to int'l crisis
- Drove UCC ops; perfected accountability reporting <5 min/35 attacks--181 prnsl/420 acft battle damage insps

- Effectively piloted Specialist section; guided 86 prsnl/12K mx acts--secured 2.7K flt hrs/2.1K srts/2 AMUOTQ wins
- Engaged ldr; observed/corrected 465 tasks/Stripes on the Line, July--cornerstone to 93% EMXG QA pass rate
- Ex IRONHAND projo; org'd logitsics for 79 Amn/6 acft/15 tons cargo/$21M--22 srts/22 pilots SEAD trained
- Executed 4 consecutive F-16 eng TCTOs--96 complete < 2 mos despite heavy FHP/surge--ensured pilot safety
- Executed Advanced Data Transfer Unit TCTO; 24 a/c finished in half alloted time--enable vital pilot upgrades
- Executed Pro Super duties Ex RED FLAG '15; orchestrated 15 mx insps--18 acft launched/3 alert jets on status
- Exhibited superb ldrshp; guided 2K sched mx acts/99% MSE rate--Gp '14 USAFE 5 th straight Daedalian win
- Expert manager; led 60 mx'ers across 3 AFSCs; Mx leadership vital to Feb '12 80% fix rt; highest in 18 months
- Exploited TTPs; engineered 15 phase 2410's/107 scheduled mx tasks--reinvested 9K hrs AFCENT flying pgrm

- Facilitated '15 NSI prep; formed 6 Focus/2 Strike mx teams/80 mx tasks--Wg top "Sat"/UEI "highly effective"

- ID'd trend; analysis conducted across 4 acft/discovered loose UHF connectors--spawned 400-hr co-axial insp
- Isolated eng time disparity; ID'd equip conflict/authored new ops--revamped eng cycle tracking/insp projecting

- Leads 48 techs across three AFSCs; ldrship/foresight critical to 31 FW's 1.5K sorties/2.1K hrs flown, 4Q12
- Led 10 prsnl MRT packout; transported 20K lbs equip/$4M--2 diverted acft safely RTB from hostile location
- Led 9-mbr tm; oversaw COMSEC acct mgmt/13 crypto keys--obtained highest AEW rating "SAT"/zero defects
- Led acft cmbt battle damage mx tm; collaborated w/engnr/450 hrs svd--impound cleared 3 wks/60% time svgs
- Led vital avionics sys software upgrade; 26 acft loaded in 2 wks, no effect to flying--sharpened wg's cmbt edge

- Managed 54 prsnl/72+ scheduled mx tasks; ensured 100% completed tasks--vital to 98% MSE rt, Jan-Mar '12
- Managed OJT; 3 AFSCs/46 prsnl/>500 mx tasks--heightened cbt readiness/6 Amn upgraded/5 earned F-16 SEI
- Mentored quality mx/enforced standards; 250 QVI/PE insp's/94% pass rate--8 Airmen awarded QA honor roll
- Mx wizard; prioritized repair actions for 150 acft faults--drove 2% repeat rate, Nov '12/smashed CAF 4% std

- Oversaw 4K mx tasks, verified 2K corrected PRD's--clinched 510 FS achieving 100% combat msn rdy status
- Oversaw 7 prsnl UGT; tracked 75 upgrade requirements/5 EOC exams/100% pass rate--yielded 7 upgrades

- Point-man for Depot dual a/c output; ID'd/solved equipment support issue--on-time return of a/c and personnel
- Promoted Amari FTD; 1.5K mx actions completed/>130 sorties/156 fly hrs--sealed NATO partnerships/jt trng

- Ramrodded essential acft OTI; R2 lower HVI harness fleet wide--prevented loss of crucial wpns targeting sys
- Resolved eng time disparity; authored process/revamped eng cycle tracking/insp projecting--33 acft cmbt rdy
- Reversed negative mx trend; 84% MC rate beat USAFE std by 6 mos--abort rate shot down 25% from 3Q12
- Rocked AMU's largest-ever surge; 56 flts/day, up 300% from normal ops--214 sorties w/zero mx deviations

- Solved IFF pre-launch failure; ID'd/corrected lack of proficiency trng--restored vital wartime system integrity
- Spec flt lead Op FREEDOM's SENTINEL; acft msn ready <24 hrs--key to 2.3K srts/10K hrs/1.2% rep/rec rate
- Steered SNIPER pod prgm; Bagram's 1st fwd supply point--19 assets/avg'd 94% FMC rate/100% availability
- Stellar as Pro-Super fill-in; coord'd 180 mx tasks on 26 acft, garnered 334 sorties--USAFE's #1 AMXS in '12
- Step into Pro Super role; led 75 prsnl/8 AFSC's, prioritized surety/alert/conventional support--91.7% FSE rt
- Superb mx leader; 323 QVI/PE/SI/section pass rate 97%/3x QA Honor Roll recipients--cemented Sq '14 MEA
- Superbly lead 25 amn flt; 4 EAMU/2 EMXG/1 BTZ/winners--coined by 9th AETF CC/31 MXG SNCO 1Q15

- United 60 mx'ers/8 AFSC's/2 AMU's; oversaw 184 PRD's/25 Code-3's/12 GAB repairs--key to 76% fix rate

- Validated repair actions; ensured swift/quality repairs--vital to 31 FW's 547+ sorties/870.8+ hrs, Jan-Mar '12

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