Support Section Chief EPR Bullets

- Accomplished 62 end-of-runway a/c insps; key to airshow performer & spectator safety--netted zero mishaps
- Aced cargo buildup trng; built/marshaled 12 error free pallets, 2 TDYs/MRTs--expedited on-time departures
- Antiquated Sniper Pod CTK; removed 12 items/condensed eqpmt, on shelf <2 hrs/drove Estonia TDY reconfig
- Architect behind PMEL recov plan; 56 items cal'd/insp/in serv--vital to 600 mx acts/excellent 1.4% TNMCM
- Averted contamination crisis; ID'd 24 cans expired hydraulic oil--prevented hydro failure on $684M F-16 fleet

- Backed HHQ tasking; readied sec's CTKs/eqpmt/acft parts--5 plt accepts <5 hrs/enabled armed over-site msn
- Brilliantly balanced home sta critical equip/AEF req'mnts; aided 200 hr avg TDI--no impact to OEF missions
- By-name requested lector; briefed US Ambassador to Italy/CSAF on mx capability--showcased Wg msn to ldrs

- Cann Mgr during back-back TDYs; tracked 4 acft's 163 items/42 DIFMS--MXG's '14 USAFE Daedalian Awd
- Championed Ex RED FLAG 15; led 9-person pack out team/coord'd 28T cargo--fueled 493 sorties/1.1K flt hrs
- Championed Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE; directed 11 shipments/23 assets/$678K--supp'd 117 sorties/174 hrs
- Championed Op OAKEN LOTUS; gen'd 6 acft <12 hrs/3 launched--saved 152 civ/39 vehicles for Libya evac
- Co-authored MXG's Mx Effectiveness Awd; drafted/boarded 3.5K mx actions/success--efforts garnered win
- Completed Defense Aquisition trng; appointed AMU card holder O&M/Flying-hr funds--streamlined requests
- Conceived new rpr process; remedied 2x 199 tester cables/coord'd AFREP refurb--rtn'd $18K/averted MICAP
- Conducted equip/CTK spot insps; perf'd 310 evals/corrected 80 discrepancies--spt'd sect's 93% QA pass rate
- Conquered PMEL shortfall; coor'd MICAP priorities w/AUAB labs--returned one-of-a-kind asset 7 mos early
- Coor'd emergency cal of LG test equip; only BAF tester put in service < 3 days--key to 436 cmbt msns/2.3K hr
- Coord'd Dull Sword reports; detailed item faults/--facilitated 100% NCE avl for strike msn/SECDEF #1 priority
- Coord'd Mt Home stranded acft MRT; readied 3 increments/tools & eqpt/7 prsnl--RLD met f/Mosul offensive
- Coord'd early TMDE insp; maximized equip avail, 09 NATO Strike Eval--100% ATO met/wg "Msn Capable"
- Coord'd laser boresight acquisition; networked w/MAJCOM/IM/AFETS--secured FW's #1 equipment priority
- Corrected E/E troubleshooting gap; coord'd w/2 backshops/created ECS test set--increased unit abilities 50%

- DRMS team leader; developed plan/coordinated turn-in of all excess tools/equip/scrap--enabled re-utilization
- Demanded deicer truck from LRS; trained/certified 6 prsnl--filled 3-yr AMU shortfall/readied fleet f/winter ops
- Deployed 18 acft/40T cargo to BAF; led 15 Amn/6 AFSCs--enabled 2.8K sorties/12.2K hrs flown, 278 EKIA
- Designed equip storage/set-up plan for Bulgaria WTD of > 2K items--555th AMU support stood up < 8hrs
- Developed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--cut pack-out 12 hrs/ensured tool availability
- Developed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--reduced TDY setup/teardown time by 35%
- Directed 4 CAPRE unit TCTOs; coord'd 8 upgrades/solved HDD acquisition gap--zero lost F-15 capes/8 FWs
- Directed AMU's PMEL account; maintained >360 critical calibrated items--garnered 97% QA pass rt Jan-Oct
- Directed HAZMAT pgrm reorganization; implemented storage/accountability procedures--standardized MXG
- Directed TAS rebuild; corrupt system replaced--ensured accountability of 10K items/section's 90% QA pass rt
- Directed pre-deployment equip insp; facilitated $4.3M NucWSEP Prgm--3 F-16s aided AF nuclear enterprise
- Directed recovery of 740 OEF equip items; 100% turn around for surge ops--203 srts/225 hrs/superb 87% MC
- Directly supported rigorous FHP; 7.5K mx events w/ 96.6% MSE--crucial to wg's 7.6K sorties/11K hrs, FY09
- Drove BAF equip redeploy; 184T/$52M assets processed--effortless home sta reintegration/93% MC 1st wk
- Drove TCTO on 4 SSTs; upgrade c/w in 12 hrs vs 20 mos alloted time--zero ATO impact/assets cmbt msn rdy
- Drove mobile support for surge; enabled jobsite turnovers--aided 94% MC/Wg best ever/zero delays to cmbt ops

- Enabled 48th FW Strike msn; prep'd/delivered 14 NCE items--spurred 4 surety trng events/certified 25 mx mbr
- Ended crucial eqpmt shortage; repaired 2 MBFI test sets--aided 5 weapons fixes, 56 GBUs/6 AGMs employed
- Eqpt custodian; mng'd $12M acct/ID'd 27 excess items/coord'd TINs--rtn'd $417K assets to DoD reutilization
- Established first-ever Sq engine rig capes; built 4 carts worth $58K--elim'd backshop coord/returned 40 hrs/yr
- Established sq's first-ever engine rig capes; built 4 carts worth $58K--elim'd backshop coord/returned 40 hrs/yr
- Executed 1st Sgt duties/performed above rank; processed 18 admin actions--restored good order & discipline
- Executed CRSP BLR for AMXS; attained 32 high demand kit items--alleviated future acft backorders/MICAPs
- Expertly mng'd critical eqpmt return; coor'd 5 asset repairs/expedited PMEL shipping--cut 5 wks from timeline
- Expertly planned/executed AEF 5/6 equip pack-out; 100K short tons deployed--unit assumed ATO within 6 hrs
- Exposed FW supply flaw; liaised w/IM to solve 8 eqpt shortfalls--restored NCE capes f/AF's sole F-15 nuc sq

- Facilitated Exer CMBT HAMMER; directed 284 mx tasks/18 acft--90 sorties/156 hrs/surpassed 8/10 mx stds
- Facilitated STRIKE msn; drafted 4 Dull Sword reports--fostered deficiency resolution/100% asset availability
- Finished 4 BSA mgmt crs; learned child safety/prgm org skills--empowered 14 Den ldrs to implement lessons
- Focused on surety msn; coord w/WWM/ordered new wpns roller extenders--NSI: eqpmt "Excellent"/Wg "Sat"
- Fulfilled cargo HAZ-DEC/increment monitor trng--boosted w/c efficiency 20%--cut pack time > 10 man-hrs

- Guided 6 product quality deficiency reports; validated asset deficiencies AF wide--returned $170K to 31 FW
- Guided Exer CMBT ARCHER IFE response; safed acft/aircrew/recover'd acft--runway re-opened in <15 min
- Guided spt sec for '15 NSI; reviewed 12 items/repaired 4 NCE disc/Gp eqpmt rated Excellent/Wg highest Sat!

- Hand-picked 3AF/CCM lunch & learn mbr; heard USAFE issues/discussed fixes--broadened AF perspective
- Headed $3M eqpmt audit; mng'd 166 items/4 facilities--nailed flawless SAV/won EAMXS Mx Spt Pro, Jul '15

- ID'd supply flaw; liaised w/ IM/AFREP/repaired 8 crit eqpmt shortfalls--mitigated NCE loss/311 CAF F-15s
- Id'd tech order shortfall; authored publication change f/wpns test set--secured CAF-wide upgrade/NCE capes
- Identified trng opportunity; secured all terrain 10K forklift trng for craftsmen--expanded capabilities by 25%
- Improvement leader; installed simutainously tool/equip check out/in procedure --increased efficiency by 75%
- Initiated PAS clean up project; turned in 1.2K tools to DLA/recycled 12K lbs trash--Over $10K returned to AF
- Initiated mobile support; drove 398/400 sched'd sorties, Dec 09 surge--5.2% abort/80.1% MC rate/wg record
- Initiated wpns system tester repairs; procured/replaced $16K RCU module--saved AF $490K in rplcmnt costs
- Innovated repair on wpns sys tester; replaced $16K RCU module--saved AF $490K in total replacement cost
- Instilled quality mx/safety mindset; directly contributed to 510 AMU's 90% QA pass rate, Nov 09--best in 1 yr

- LRI Cell Boss; led 11 Amn/3 AFSCs/delivered final 3 WIT accepted cmbt acft--MXG/CC coined 2 cell mbrs
- Laid ground work for E-tools; charted comm/TODO reqs; scheduled trng--fostered innovative TO sys upgrade
- Lead Support tech for Morocco TDY; augmented LRS early return of cargo--loaded/transported 33 increments
- Led 2 TDY eqpt packs; 14 increments/43 STs turn'd/zero frustrated--awd'd 'Top Performer'/coined by WG/CC
- Led Ex INIOHOS cargo; readied 12 acft/$1.2M eqpmt/35 ST cargo--gen'd 175 int'l srts/16 LFEs/5 FP pkg's
- Led Ex IRON HAND support tm; staged 40T cargo/oversaw LRS delivery--vital to 36 sorties/6 pilot upgrades
- Led MRT packout; loaded 3.1 tons of mx equip, spare eng/coor'd HAZMAT clnc--recovered 2 stranded Vipers
- Led acft MRT response; sent 6 Amn/3.1T cargo, 40 req'd tools to KAF <16 hrs--returned 2 acft/zero ATO loss
- Led pod CTK restoration; directed 12 unused/3 broken tools removal/replacement--fostered 14 TDY reconfigs
- Led redeployment planning; org'd 2.5K TPFDD line items for 3 sqdns/341 pax/240T cargo--stellar AEF return
- Led repair of critical item; repaired only CETS computer--returned vital safety item to service/less than 12hrs
- Led sec's CENTAF tasking; packed 65Ts of cargo <72 hrs--primed OIR, 326 sorties/1516 hrs/169 wpns rlsed
- Led support section NSSAV prep; readied 32 NCE items/zero findings--USAFE team lauded "Ready for NSI"
- Liaised acq f/$250K HAZMAT fac; val'd rqmnt thru enviro/A4 offices--sanctioned storage f/$31K chemicals
- Liaised acquisition f/$250K HAZMAT fac; val'd rqmnt w/enviro/A4 offices--keyed storage f/$31K chemicals

- Managed $15M eqpmt acct; codified excess items/reconciled 27 TINs--rtn'd $96K assets for AF reutilization
- Managed 121 Wg critical eqpmt items; rectified 12 shortfalls/briefed ldrshp--85% MC rt/CAF's #1 Blk-40 Sq
- Managed 3 simultaneous cargo packouts; facilitated historic Ex RF/no-notice Poland tasking--zero equip shortfalls
- Managed six Dull Sword reports; defined surety equip faults--ensured 100% item availability for STRIKE msn
- Mentored support section thru intense QA re-eval; outstanding 99% pass rate--produced 12.4% improvement
- Mng'd $13.3M eqpt acct; id'd 27 excess items/coord'd TINs w/USAFE--rtn'd $417K assets to DoD reutilization
- Mng'd AEF supt sect beddown; setup 2K tools/eqpmt items <36 hrs--drove seamless relief-in-place for 32 acft
- Mng'd Alert/ATO acft CTKs; directed 210 line turn-over insps--upheld ATO ops/propelled 12 alert launches

- Nuclear Certified Equip expert; briefed AMU on Dull Sword procedures--ZD noted, Sep 09 USAFE NSAV

- Optimized resources; reallocated spare tools & equip/developed upgraded 25 CTKs--increased mx versatility
- Orchestrated 3-TDY pack-out; loaded $9M eqpt/insp'd 8 ISUs/14 increments--enabled 438 coalition CMR srts
- Org'd Ex Combat Hammer/Green Flag equip prep; 510 effective sorties/1.4K hrs--29 pilots combat/AEF ready
- Organized CTKs/eqpt f/Brize Norton MRT; enabled 2 acft emer divert/GAB repair--returned jets <18 hrs MC
- Organized CTKs/support f/Brize Norton MRT; recovered/repaired 2 diverted acft--returned H/S <18 hrs FMC
- Oversaw $8.3M eqpmt prgm; mng'd 962 assets/sourced 6 priority repairs--avg'd 91% cape/sustained cmbt ops
- Oversaw $8.3M spt acct; scrutinized/revamped PMEL insp database/mng'd 469 items--zero overdues in 5 mos
- Oversaw 121 Wg critical eqpmt items; remedied 12 shortfalls/drafted wkly report--spt's FW's 84.3% MC rate
- Oversaw 520 inspections; insured critical equip availability--ensured 100% items availability for combat msn
- Oversaw AMU Haz prgm selfinsp; ID'd corrected > 40 errors--established AFI compliance/100% insp ready
- Oversaw NCE prep f/WWM SAV; rpr'd 12 crit items/averted $120K purchases--poised unit f/Wg UEI success
- Oversaw equip DB rebld; 10K items insp/inventoried/rtn'd to serv--met Mx demands/1.2K sorties Oct-Nov 11
- Oversaw prep f/WWM SAV; fixed 12 eqpmt items/elim'd $120K replacements--averted 7 FW "Dull Swords"
- Oversaw section's Mar 10 CI prep; no discrepancies noted on $3M equip acct--31 FW rated "In Compliance"
- Oversaw sister AMU's assets; absorbed 10 prgms, 100 eqpmt/CTK items--392 HS srts/90.7% MSE rt, Jul-Aug

- Partnered w/ MXS/PIM mgr; fabricated MLG test eqpmt/items built in 2 wks--propelled mx reliability 200%!
- Perf'd alert turnovers; insp'd 155 CTKs on-location--slashed shift chg counter lines/svd 250 man-hrs in 6 mos
- Performed 200+ CTK/TO/EQUIP inspections; ID'd corrected > 25 errors--directly supported 300+ mx actions
- Planned/executed 48 AMXS redeployment; disigned cargo layout--32 increments/12 hrs retuned to home sation
- Prep'd Ex ARTIC CHALLENGE 15; turned 14T cargo <3 days/shipped out--reaped 93% MC rt/148 srts flown
- Prepared AMU for E-Tools capability; installed/set-up 4 docking towers--readied for delivery/112 laptops
- Prioritized AEF redeploy eqpmt pack-out; marshaled/staged 40T cargo--cut process by 20%/48 man-hrs saved
- Pro Super Ex ARCTIC FIGHTER; 7 F-15s/13 ST cargo/109 prsnl--delivered 24 jt srts/unified NATO alliance
- Purged/reloaded 4 Viper hard drives; restored mx ops--catalyzed 122 PRD's/secured 84.4% MC rate, Feb '15

- Ramrodded PAR ops; led accountability reporting/battle damage insps, 26 attacks--avg'd 5 min attack response
- Readied 6 prgm's f/UEI; designed sharepoint site f/global reach--awd'd Superior Team/"Highly Effective" rt'g
- Readied AMU for UEI; insp'd 33 prgms/fixed 9 errors--2 areas benchmarked by USAFE/Wg rated "Effective"
- Readied MRT f/2 stranded ACC F-15Es; coord'd CTK's/supplies/eqpt--rtn'd acft to COCOM f/Mosul offensive
- Realigned schedules; assisted 3 personnel to pursue higher education--enrollment up 18% w/ zero msn impact
- Recovered 28T TDY cargo; c/w insps/R2'd PMEL/repacked follow-on TDY<1 day--zero equipment shortfalls
- Redesigned 14 CTKs; removed 15 chklsts/replaced 5 tools/updated tracking sys, <1 wk--beat WWM deadline
- Reinforced energy conservation; integrated 2 electric vehs into unit--postured Sq to lower fuel costs $14K yrly
- Remedied test eqpmt f/acft shortfalls; penned 8 PMEL priorities--98% MSE rt/beat CAF MC rt 8 mos straight
- Remedied test eqpmt/acft shortfalls; penned 8 PMEL priorities--beat CAF MC rt 8 mos straight/98% MSE rt
- Reorg'd sect; 6 pgms/SPI/-21 lockers/54 tvl pods/TIN 35 items/recouped AF $45K--awd'd UEI Superior Team!
- Researched/acquired wpn's test cable harnesses; eliminated 3 mos AWP status--2 surety assets returned to svc
- Resolved wpn eqpmt deficit; coor'd w/ PM/USAFE, assets obtain'd 3 wks; norm 3 mos--surety/cmbt capes met
- Resource mgmt finest! 28 vehicles, $1M; sourced 3 for 48FW focus/strike gen's--25 Amn cert'd/2 pilots qual'd
- Responded no-notice alert; executed section weekend recall/coor'd 48 hr coverage--enabled fellow AMU gen
- Restored mx capability; reprogrammed 4 corrupted tester hard drives--secured FW's 97% MSE/84% MC rate
- Returned OIR/AEF unit's cargo; reconstituted 100T sup eqpmt 3 dys--vital to Nov surge, 122 srts/86.3% MC rt
- Revamped CTK prgm; constructed CANN/avionics kit/cut 243 excess tools--saved Sq $50K redundant orders
- Revamped lost tool pgrm; LEAN'd routing/TC-Max tracking--beat 5 day turn in std--0% FOD rt 3Q, CAF best!
- Revised 14 Wpn CTK's; removed cklst's/replaced load extenders--beat Wg deadline, 1 wk/prep'd Gp for AEF

- Scheduled hands-on PMEL trng for 4 new personnel; built WRM/cal schedule--increase section rate by 74%
- Scrutinized 20 NCE items/10 CTKs; rectified 4 findings--NSI: tools/eqpmt rated "Excellent"/FW highest "Sat"
- Scrutinized MICAPs; added 14 high cann items worth $327K to base supply--boosted 8-hr fix rate 10% <1 mo
- Sec's #1 spt NCO! Juggled TDYs/alert task/surge/NATO insp/local ops--MXG NCO Qtr 1, Sq MSPOQ, Qtr 3
- Solidified recognition prgm; created AMU plaques/maintained awd winner wall--honored 25 of unit top mx'ers
- Solved HDD acquisition gap; catalyst f/fleetwide CAPRE TCTOs/coord'd 8 upgrades--built capes across CAF
- Spearheaded repair of critical equipment; repaired 2 of 4 Viper test set--increased tester availability by 200%
- Spotted supply flaw; liaised w/IM & AFREP/rpr'd 8 crit eqpmt shortfalls--mitigated NCE loss/311 CAF F-15s
- Spt'd cmbt gen ramp-up for air strikes; 56 sorties/22 tgts hit/1 HVI killed--large al-Qaeda trng camp destroyed!
- Steered quick-turns for cmbt surge; upheld 100% committed rate for 16 hrs--crushed Taliban attack of Kunduz
- Step into MSgt role; led sec's prsnl/5 AFSC's, prioritized surety/alert/conventional support--82.3% FSE rt, FY
- Stepped up to JTF Odyssey Dawn call; served as "Black Jack" on short notice--Lauded as seamless transition
- Superb asst prgm mngr for 17-vehicle fleet; coor'd 7 urgent mx actions/2 sched insp's--enabled 100% ATO ops
- Superior leader/manager; selected for NCOIC position/normally SNCO--510 AMU Mx Suppt Pro, 1st Qtr '10
- Supervised 510 AMU NSI prep, Dec 09; 300 equip items/25 a/c, zero findings--wg aced IG insp/overall "Sat"
- Supervised Exer RED FLAG mx; 48 Amn/482 mx tasks--204T muns loaded/garnered "Outstanding Performer"
- Supported 30+ add'l B-61 nuclear bomb load training events--wpns loading rated "Excellent" for Dec 09 NSI
- Supported Wg's AEF; researched/prep'd/shipped 19 critical assets worth $1.3M--ensured vital AOR cmbt ops
- Synergized Ex IRONHAND; prioritized F-22A/F-15E ramp share/ops schedule--drove 56 srts/28 aircrew cert

- T'Bird Demo team mbr; R2 five F-16 radomes in 36 hrs--prevented airshow canx due to mx/upheld team stds
- Teamed w/ PMEL; troubleshot/isolated corrupt JSECST circuit card; saved $700K/doubled critical asset avail
- Teamed w/PMEL; troubleshot/located/replaced corrupt tester circuit card--returned critical asset/svd $700K
- Trn'd 50 Amn on PAR sweeps; cut sweep time by 5 mins--vital ops resumed avg <10 mins after 5 IDF attacks
- Trn'd 85 Amn on CBS procedures; drove avg in-place time to <5 mins--garnered EMXG's Mx Spt Pro, Oct '15
- Troubleshot JSECT; tm'd w/ PMEL, isolated/repaired faulty CCA <8 hrs--sole base asset FMC, zero MSE hits
- Troubleshot acft wpns test set; id'd/rpr'd faulty wiring--saved $370K NCE item/secured strike generation capes
- Troubleshot and repaired laser etcher; avoided > $15K repair cost--increased section effectiveness by 100%

- Underpinned 18-ship TDY prep success; sighted fiscal impact/slimmed 28T cargo/23 increments--saved $2M
- Unit NSI prep lead; executed NCE insp plan/ZD noted USAFE IG--key to "Sat" rating/recognized by FW/CC
- Unit VCNCO for $300K/16 vehicle fleet; coord'd 30 sched mx/repair actions--garnered 95% availability rate
- Utilized Interprsnl Comm crse; cert'd as 1/17 FW Green Dot instr's--secured 482 quals/poised gp f/AEF tasking

- Val'd $50K Gp equip asset; networked laser boresight w/USAFE/IM/AFETS--secured FW's #1 equip priority
- Vital to unit success; superbly mng'd critical prgms--8 insps/100% pass rt/earned EMXG Mx Spt Pro, Jul '15

- Worked w/ HAZMAT/corrected six violations; ensured unit safety/compliance--saved wg potential $7M fine

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